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The Romans maintained the stability and strength of their empire by respecting the peoples they conquered. They respected their religions and customs and allowed them to continue to worship them. They also allowed them to continue to use their customary laws at the local level, which they called mos regionis (regional traditions/laws of the land). They relied on the local ruling elites to run local affairs in the provinces. This policy fostered political and social stability. It had two advantages: it facilitated the integration of the locals in the provinces (the conquered peoples) into the ideology and the economy of the empire and it reduced the administrative load (and the associated costs) of the provincial governors. It limited the job of the governors to defence and the maintenance of the legions stationed in the provinces, the commissioning of public works, the administration of justice at the provincial level and the arbitration of disputes the locals were unable to settle themselves. A less tolerant policy would have led to rebellions and would have threatened the stability of the empire. The conquered peoples also benefited form their participation in the thriving trading networks of the empire, which favoured both economic and cultural integration. In addition to all this, the Romans fostered the worship of the cult of the emperor and an imperial ideology to help with cultural unification.

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Q: When the Romans took control over the Jews why did they allow the Jews to practice their religious benefits?
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Were the Ancient Romans religious?

they are religious and they love to eat cow poo and lardi cake. ask Emily and chloe coz they are Romans :)

How did the Greeks have an enduring impact on the Romans religious life?

romans had a christian and jewish religion and the romans were not always called the romans theyactally used to be called romanties

Who told the Romans where Jesus was?

No one. The Romans weren't looking for Jesus. The Israeli religious leaders arrested Jesus, took Him to the Romans, handed Him over to them, and demanded that they (Romans) execute Him.

When Romans took control over the Jew's why did they allow the Jew's to practice their religious beliefs?

As seen throughout history, the Jews were quite beneficial to the economy. Therefore, many rulers allowed them to keep their religious identities in order to keep them happy so they would not resent the country which they served.

Did Early Christians in Rome cremated their dead?

It is very likely that many of the early Christians followed the first-century Jewish practice of placing the bones of their dead in ossuaries, or bone boxes. Certainly, by the third century, we find a widespread Christian practice of using the catacombs for storage of the dead, a practice not unlike the use of ossuaries. Romans could bury or burn their dead, but at different times one practice was preferred over another, and family preferences were the deciding factor. The pagan Romans were deeply religious and would have treated their dead with due respect.

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What the Romans took control over the Jews why did they allow the Jews to practice their religious?

All they wanted was payment of taxes and lack of rebellion. They did sometimes suppress Judaism, but often did not.

When the Romans took control of the Jews why did they allow to practice their religious beliefs?

Actually, there were times when the Romans outlawed Judaism, such as during the time of Hadrian. During those times that the Romans didn't interfere with the internal life of the Jews, the reason was because the Romans wanted to receive their taxes. That, and making sure none of their colonies planned rebellions, was usually the only thing that the Romans were really concerned about.

Did the Romans allow Jews to continue to practice their religious beliefs?

There some periods of cruel Roman repression of Torah-observance (such as the decrees of Hadrian). At other times, the Romans allowed the Jews to practice their religious beliefs as long as they paid their taxes and didn't cause civil unrest in the cities where they lived.

When the Romans took control of Judea why did they allow the Jews to practice their religious beliefs?

Actually, there were times when the Romans outlawed Judaism, such as during the time of Hadrian. During those times that the Romans didn't interfere with the internal life of the Jews, the reason was because the Romans wanted to receive their taxes. That, and making sure none of their colonies planned rebellions, was usually the only thing that the Romans were really concerned about.

What was one of the religoins that the Romans did not accept?

One religion that the Romans did not accept was Judaism. There were Jews who were Roman citizens and their religion was tolerated, but Romans themselves did not accept the theory of monotheism. Another religious practice that the Romans actually banned was Druidism.

When the Romans took control over the Jew's why did they allow the Jews to practice their religious beliefs?

As seen throughout history, the Jews were quite beneficial to the economy. Therefore, many rulers allowed them to keep their religious identities in order to keep them happy so they would not resent the country which they served.

When the Romans took over the Jews why did they allow them to practice there religious beliefs?

Most of the time, when the Jews paid their taxes and did not revolt, their religious practice was tolerated. However, there were periods of extremely cruel decrees and their enforcement, prohibiting the practice of Torah-commands. One example of the latter was under Vespasian.

When the Romans took control over the Jews why did they allow to practice their religious beliefs?

They didn't. For the most part. There was a time called "Gizeiros HaShmad" meaning: decrees of destruction-because there were laws forbidding Jews to obey their religion-thereby destroying their spiritual growth. There were however certain times during certain rulers when the Jews were allowed to practice their beliefs.

When the Romans took control over Jews why did they allow the Jews to practice their religious beliefs?

They didn't. For the most part. There was a time called "Gizeiros HaShmad" meaning: decrees of destruction-because there were laws forbidding Jews to obey their religion-thereby destroying their spiritual growth. There were however certain times during certain rulers when the Jews were allowed to practice their beliefs.

When the Romans took control over the Jews why did they allowed the Jews to practice their religious beliefs?

They didn't. For the most part. There was a time called "Gizeiros HaShmad" meaning: decrees of destruction-because there were laws forbidding Jews to obey their religion-thereby destroying their spiritual growth. There were however certain times during certain rulers when the Jews were allowed to practice their beliefs.

Were the Ancient Romans religious?

they are religious and they love to eat cow poo and lardi cake. ask Emily and chloe coz they are Romans :)

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