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The destruction and later the next morning, sings of radiation poisoning.

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Q: When miss sasaki saw the ruins of hiroshima for the time what gave her the creeps?
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What is a sentence for hall?

The hall was dark.No running in the hall.Something about the manor's hall always gave James the creeps. Maybe it was the eyes of the portraits following him.

What president made the decision to drop atomic bonds on hiroshima and Nagasaki?

President Harry Truman gave the order for atomic bombs to be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What do you think gave each hiroshima survivor the strength and will to carry on after the bombing?

They had to suffer and even doubt they fought and lived.

What was the biggest thing Harry S. Truman do?

Truman gave the order to drop nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Did JFK order the atom bombing of Hiroshima?

President Harry S Truman gave the order to drop the bomb in 1945.

What are the reasons America gave for dropping the atomic bomb over Hiroshima in 1945?

== == It was an effort to convince Japan to surrender during WWII

Which US President gave the order to bomb these two Japanese cities?

Harry S Truman ordered the bomibng of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Who gave grave estimates on an invasion of japan?

THE ATOMIC BOMBINGS OF HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI by The Manhattan Engineer District, June 29, 1946.

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If you refer to the nuclear bombs that ended WWII, President Harry Truman gave the order for them to be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What choices did America have on how to end the war with japan?

They gave them a chance to surrender without anymore harm.. Or they would drop a nuke on Hiroshima. Japan did not surrender, so the USA. dropped the "Little Boy" on Hiroshima. The USA. gave Japan another chance to surrender, but they did not. So they dropped the "Fat Man" on Nagasaki. After that, Japan surrendered

What is Sonny in the Middle about?

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