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Q: When king James 1 was on the throne what was spakespeare theatre company called?
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The King's Men performed regularly at The Globe Theatre and at Blackfriars Theatre, as well as at court and other places. To my knowledge there was not a theatre called 'The King's Men Theatre at that time. A little background: the King's Men was a company of actors that included William Shakespeare, and it was to this company that he belonged for most of his career. They used to be known as The Lord Chamberlain's Men during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and when James succeeded to the throne he awarded the company a royal patent and they became known as The King's Men. Several members of The King's Men purchased shares in Blackfriars Theatre in 1608 and they performed there regularly. Shakespeare himself was a shareholder in The Globe Theatre from 1598. The Lord Chamberlain's Men and later The King's Men performed at The Globe Theatre regularly.

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What did William Shakespeare company change the name to and why?

His company became the King's Men, after James I ascended to the throne.

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There is no such thing as World of Warcraft: The Frozen Throne. It is called Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. World of Warcraft is much different.

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There is a hack called Throne Maker, but it doesn't work anymore, or never has.

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Example sentneces:common noun: The throne for the princes was draped in white fur.proper noun: The Throne Brand Factory is a commercial graphics company in Richmond Virginia.