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Korea was liberated by the Soviet Union when it entered the war against japan in the late years of World War 2 but the western powers of the USA and the United Kingdom were nervous of letting communism consuming Asia because the west did not want the same tensions as in the separation of war torn Germany between the four waring powers (U.S.S.R, U.S.A, Britain and France). So the west demanded that Stalin allow western soldiers to occupy the sourthern part of Korea thus putting a huge block in the way of the expansion of communism in Asia. So Korea was never really liberated because the North became part of the tyranny of the soviet block and the south has always been fearful of the North just like today.

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Q: When japan lost world war 2 Korea gained its independence true or false?
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Who did Korea gain its independence from?

Korea gained independence from Japan, in 1945

Why became Korea apart?

Two separate states formed when Korea gained independence from Japan, with Communist North Korea and Capitalist South Korea

How did North Korea gain its independence?

North Korea is not a country from the perspective of South Korea. It was officially recognized as a country when it entered the United Nations in 1992 along with the South. Japan still do not officially admit as a nation because it regards South Korea as the legitimate representative of Korean Peninsula.

In what year did Japan gain independence?

japan gained independance in 630BC

When was Korea divivded?

1953 - that's when it was officialy divided..... the leaders of each Korea signed the form. Or after the independence from Japan...... Korea began to split politically 1953 - that's when it was officialy divided..... the leaders of each Korea signed the form. Or after the independence from Japan...... Korea began to split politically

When did the allied occupation of Japan end?

1952, after Japan gained its independence from the allied powers in 1951.

Imperialism in Korea?

Japan gained military, political, and economic strength. It then sought to eliminate the extraterritorial rights of foreigners.

Did Korea get its independence when Japan lost World War 2?

No. North Korea and South Korea were united until 1948. After then Korea was split in to these two parts.

Does Japan have a independence day holiday?

As Japan has never lost its independence, despite being occupied after World War II, it does not have an Independence Day.

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It was 1948 when Burma gained independence from Britain. Japan helped Burma gain this independence by fighting alongside against Britain.

Aprat from India which country celebrating independence day on 15th August Congo South Korea Kenya Japan?

south Korea

Are there any celebratoins in South Korea?

Liberation day (independence from Japan) August 15, 1945