

When is the would going to end?

Updated: 10/2/2022
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12y ago

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in the year 5 blillon

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Q: When is the would going to end?
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Is the world going to end on 122112?

No the world is not going to end because we believe in the lord that we are going to live till he wants us to live if he created the earth then he will decide when he wants the world to end

Video of when the world is going to end?

i dont think the world would ever end

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I see no reason why it would.

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Going off the end of the JC2 I would say yes :)

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the end is not going to end in 2010 is just to many earthquakes kills people

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I don't know if she thinks the world is going to end on December 21st, 2012, but I do know it's not. These minions are liers. There Calenders think the world is going to end, but our calenders do not think it's going to end. Plus, the asteroid is going to miss to earth. Also, why would God and Jesus want the world to end. So I think Amanda Bynes thinks that the world is not going to end.

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eat a sandwitch

Does the date of 911 and the earthquake in Japan equal the end of the earth?

No, as there no way to know for sure that the world is going to end, or when it is going to end, as it would be too dificult. Also this 'predicted end of the world date' is only from a movie, which isn't real.

What in the world are you going to do?

I'm going to take a wild guess and say your talking about the end of the world. There really is not a lot we can do. Jesus said the world would end and it will but we have no control over it.

Why is it going to be dark on December 21st 2012?

its not only god nows when the world will end and he says it will be dark... And the worl is not going to end this year.....if you belive in GOD then you would now

Why is the world going to end lol?

The world is NEVER going to end i mean do you really think the world is going to end. in 1999 people started to say that the world is going to end in 2000 its 2012 nothing happend. I mean would GOD really want to destroy the world the answer is no because he love us no matter what im 100% sure the world wont end. TTRRUUSSTT MMEE PRAY IF YOUR SCARED IT HELPS A LOT.ALSO IN MAY 21,2011 THE WORLD WOULD END ITS PAST MAY 21,2011. THEWORLD WONT END EVER.

Is the world going to end on October 11 1988?

No, but just the Ancient Greek Calendar ends. ==== If the world was going to end on October 11, 1988, it already would have, as this is currently 2009.