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There are instances when a revolution is justifiable. This is mainly when the rights of the majority of people are being abused and much more.

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Q: When is a revolution justifiable?
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When is a revolution justifiable in the Philippine history?

A revolution can be justifiable in Philippine history when the people are faced with oppression, injustice, or abuse of power by the ruling government, and peaceful means of addressing grievances have been exhausted. Examples include the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule, the EDSA People Power Revolution that ousted a dictator, and the ongoing struggles against corruption and human rights abuses.

What part of speech is the word justifiable?

Justifiable is an adjective.

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Violent revolution is generally not considered a justifiable form of political participation because it can lead to loss of life, destruction, and prolonged instability. Non-violent methods, like protests, lobbying, and voting, are typically preferred as they uphold democratic principles and respect human rights.

Is justifiable an adverb?

No. The adverb form of justifiable is justifiably.

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The verb form of "justifiable" is "justify".

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Is revolution always justifiable in means of global peace and security?

The only rule that I have is to always be skeptical of questions that ask if something is always the case (as hypocritical as that rule is facially). I am further troubled by the use of the word "revolution" which can refer to a variety of very distinct activities, some peaceful and beneficial and others violent and destructive.I would say that peaceful avocation of global peace and security, human rights and communal dignity is almost always justifiable. When it starts becoming more violent, I find it far less justifiable and its justifiability usually has an indirect relationship with the level of violence.

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The causes of the early revolts are justifiable?

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How do you use justifiable in a sentence?

Well you might say,"Can you justify the the monitor?"

What is the noun for justifiable?

The noun form for the adjective justifiable is justifiability.A related noun form is justification.