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White men always have had rights from the very moment of the colonies. There was never any need to "grant" them rights. Fifty five rich white men wrote the constitution and slaves built the nation.

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Q: When in the US were men granted rights?
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What are noncivil rights?

All the other rights granted to you by the US Constitution.

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All men are created equal and have rights granted by the Creator that can not be reduced by government.

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the 14 amendment

One of the rights granted in the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights are the name of the first ten amendments to the US Constitution. One important right is the freedom of speech. This is only one of the rights in the ten amendments to the US Constitution.

In the typical English colony voting rights were granted to?

colonists born in America

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When voting rights were extended to citizens who previously did not have voting rights, there was more pluralism in the US. When the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920, the votes granted to women expanded the numbers of people voting in the US.

What document gave equal rights to men but no political rights to women?

The US Constitution.

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Freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Both are granted by the 1st Amendment.

What were some rights granted to citizens of the middle colonies?

lots of rights have been granted that is why there is laws cuz so many laws are there and have been granted.

How did the 14th and 15th amendment change the constitution?

The 14th Amendment outlawed slavery and granted civil rights and liberties to African-Americans. The 15th Amendment prohibited the government from denying a citizen the right to vote based on race.

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A colony in which stockholders were granted rights and privileges by the English.