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Q: When has a brithish or English king lost all of his power?
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What was the name of the English king who lost his head during the English civil war?

Charles I of England was the English king who lost his head during the English civil war.

How did the magna carta effect King John?

he killed him-self and their was no king :)

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King John

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They asked the people to elect them to office.

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Parliament won the war, and the king lost his head.

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King John with the signing of the Magna Carta.

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Duncan because he was murdered. Then Macbeth because he was murdered also.

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I usually chalk it up guns and fortifications on the English side.

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pros-none cons-he was a bad king as he lost most English land.

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Chales I lost the English Civil War to Oliver Cromwell and was executed. the King's death, by the reformed calendar, was on 30 January 1649.

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Yes, you can get the complete set of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy in English audio but as of March 29, 2014, it is only available as part of the TimeLife 7-season set starting with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and ending with Power Rangers Lost Galaxy as well as the Shout! Factory-produced DVD set that features all episodes of Power Rangers as of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and ending with the last episode of Power Rangers Megaforce.

What was the name of the English monarch who lost the battle of runnymade and was forced to sign the magna carta?

King John, the first and only