I'm not exactly sure, but a dolphin is smart, so it might mean to be smart or to think things out when you're in a bad situation. I'm not exactly sure, but a dolphin is smart, so it might mean to be smart or to think things out when you're in a bad situation.
During World War I, the symbol given to shame men into joining the army as a sign of cowardice was the "white feather."
The QED symbol, which stands for "quod erat demonstrandum" in Latin, is used at the end of mathematical proofs to signify that the statement or theorem has been successfully proven. It serves as a conclusion marker, indicating that the argument presented is complete and the proof is finished.
It was given to America from the French as a peace offering.
The flag of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) has the following symbolism: The blue stripes signify sovereignity, peace and friendship. The white stripes signify purity and the heritage of the Korean people. Red represents the revolutionary spirit of the people. The red star is the symbol of communism.
Color enhancement is particularly useful in Doppler imaging, where shades of red signify flow away from the transducer and shades of blue signify flow toward it.
In Greek mythology, the dove is a symbol of the goddess Aphrodite. However, normally, a white dove is considered a symbol of peace.
The dolphin
His symbol can be a trident, dolphin, fish, horse or bull.
A dolphin
In chemistry, the symbol "" signifies a positive charge on an ion or a molecule.
His symbol can be a trident, dolphin, fish, horse or bull.
Because he turned himself into a dolphin to escape the island Delos, which is where he was born.
Apollo's Animal Symbol Is The Dolphin.
No it is not. The lesbian symbol is a pink triangle, black triangle, and/or the rainbow flag.
Similar to the flowers in the hair of Hawaiians, the right blue dolphin used to signify no longer married, no longer taken. The left side is Married, taken, or single forever; done with men. Three blacks in LA used to brand their hookers with Blue Dolphin Tatoos on the right hip just above the appendix to signify ownership.