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Q: When fullscale war erupted between china and japan in 1937 the us asserted that japan had violated the policy in china and the Washington naval conference agreements?
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Seven years after the Constitution was ratified President Washington asserted the military power of the federal government. What incident did he resolve?

The Whiskey Rebellion

What is a good sentence for the word asserted?

The mayor asserted that he had no knowledge of the impropriety.

How do you make a sentence with asserted?

the asserted man goes to prison because of his forcefull behavior

Why was moving confederate troops into Pennsylvania be an advantage for lee?

He would be in a strong position to threaten Washington D.C., and meanwhile would have asserted the viability of the Confederacy in the eyes of the British, who were close to offering support.

Meaning of assertion?

The act of asserting, or that which is asserted; positive declaration or averment; affirmation; statement asserted; position advanced., Maintenance; vindication; as, the assertion of one's rights or prerogatives.

How the federal government asserted its power in the West?

the Federal Government asserted the power in the west by using force to stop the Whisky Rebellion.

How do you use the asserting in a sentence?

The defendant in court asserted his innocence. The boy asserted that he was only trying to save a cat when he damaged the tree.

What tready ended the war?

There was no treaty. Treaties are agreements between soveriegn countries. Although the Confederacy asserted that it was a separate soveriegn country no other nation, and in particular not the United States, acknowledged that. Ultimately the Confederate armies surrendered and the members of the Confederate government were captured and arrested and the Confederacy simply ceased to exist.

Is asserted a synonym for evil?

not really at all.

What is the past tense of assert?

The past tense is asserted.

What theme is explicity asserted in a literacy work?


What are examples of asserted?

examples of no assertion and w/ assertion