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The axis of the temple was positioned by the ancient Egyptian architects in such a way that twice a year, on October 20 and February 20, the rays of the sun would penetrate the sanctuary and illuminate the sculpture on the back wall, except for the statue of Ptah, the god connected with the Underworld, who always remained in the dark. These dates are allegedly the king's birthday and coronation day respectively, but there is no evidence to support this, though it is quite logical to assume that these dates had some relation to a great event.

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Q: When does abu simbel the temple from ancient Egypt fill up with light?
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Was the light house invented in the Industrial Revolution?

No. Light houses or buildings that enjoyed a similar function have existed for centuries, although they were not common. The most famous ancient lighthouse, for example, is the legendary Tower of Pharos. This was built to guide ships into Alexandria's harbour in Ancient Egypt, and was reputed to be the equivalent in height of a 40-story building today.

Did Egyptians have electricity?

Definitely not. You may have seen web pages referring to "large light bulbs" included in some ancient reliefs, which are actually standard symbols of the morning sunrise and nothing to do with electricity. "Seeing" modern items such as astronauts, helicopters, light bulbs and spaceships in ancient wall decorations has become fashionable among the more publicity-seeking extremist writers of today. Their aim is to gain support from gullible people with little or know knowledge of ancient Egypt. The link below takes you to a very sensible page where the total stupidity of such claims is exposed and the real ancient Egyptian meaning of the pictures is clearly identified.

What ancient document sheds light on the purpose of government?

The code of Hammurabi

Is the light bulb an invention of ancient Chinese?

No. The light bulb was invented by Humphry Davy, worked on by several different people, and perfected by Thomas Edison.

What religion did Egyptians have?

When people cease to believe in a given religion, that religion gets demoted to the status of mythology, so to study the religion of the ancient Egyptians one would find it under the category of Egyptian mythology; that is the only name that we have for it. Modern Egypt is primarily Muslim, but also has a significant Coptic Christian minority.

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Was Ancient Egypt an advanced civilization?

Yes far more than most. Some examples are -at Abu Simbel, the light shines in through a passage and illuminates his face, but only on his birthday.When Abu Simbel was moved, modern technology was unable to get the date of illumination as perfectly right as the Ancient Egyptians did. -The beautiful tombs, temples, pyramids, statues and finds are all incredibly beautiful -They had good farming techniques -They had good battle techniques

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Egyptian clothing was made as light as possible due to the climate. Ancient Egypt, and Modern Egypt, for that matter, was very hot, it was desert!

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Well it comes from ancient Egypt. That's why it was in the biggest light ever.

What did the people in ancient Egypt wear?

Linens and light fabrics so they don't get hot. Their clothes were mostly light in color and thin, with materials such as Linen and Cotton.

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Clothing in ancient Egypt?

They wore light, white, linen clothing. Sometimes they were pleated. Men wore kilts and women wore dresses.

What was clothing like in ancient Egypt?

It was a light cloth usually made from linen because of the heat. Garment were usually white. They were sometimes pleated.

Where is the book the natural genesis from?

The book of the "Natural Genesis" is a book written by Gerald Massey who wrote three major works on his assumption that the doctrines of Christianity have their basis in the astrotheology of ancient Egypt. His three books are titled, A Book of the Beginnings, The Natural Genesis, and Ancient Egypt, the Light of the World.

How do you buy a temple in Fable 2?

you can only buy 1 of them the temple of shadows or the temple of light to buy the temple of light you have to complete the defender of the light quest and once you come back from the spire go to the temple of light in will be a better place and you can buy it for 100,ooo gold the temple of shadows im not sure about if anybody knows for sure please post how to buy the temple of shadows as a comment

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How do you rebuild the temple of light in Fable 2 after you have been to the spire?

If you have been to the Spire, you can't. Before the Spire, you can do Defender of the Light or Oakfield Massacre. If you do Oakfield Massacre or don't do either, the Temple of Light is destroyed. If you do Defender of the Light, then The Temple of light is saved and the temple of shadows is destroyed.

How does the periodic table relate to ancient Egypt?

There is no direct relationship between the periodic table and ancient Egypt as the periodic table was not developed until the 19th century. However, ancient Egyptians did have knowledge of some elements like gold, copper, and iron, which are represented on the periodic table.