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A migrant becomes an Australian when he/she is approved of or given Australian Citizenship. For this, you fist need to check if you are eligible and then apply for the citizenship.

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Q: When does a migrant become an austrailan?
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Related questions

What is a migrant how does a migrant become an Australian?

A migrant is a person who moves from one place to another( like traveling) and it is quite hard to become one and it takes a lot of time but it is worth it to be a migrant in Australia:)

How does a migrant become Australian?

A migrant needs to fill out an application form and must be proud of the flag and what the word Australian means.

How long does it take for a migrant to become an Australian?

tow years

How many austrailan kids play netball?

Don't know, but I think you'll find they are Australian, not Austrailan

Why would someone become a migrant?

cause they were able to follow the job

When does a migrant become an Australian humour?

Migrants are not normally referred to as a "humour".

How many years does it take a migrant to become an Australian?

It is up to the individual migrant as to how soon they are capable of taking the citizen test, which allows them to receive citizenship.

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A Dollar

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What is a skilled migrant visa?

A skilled migrant visa is available as an opportunity for people to become employed outside of their country. One requirement is the person must be proficient speaking English.

How do you become a Migrant?

A migrant is anyone who moves from one place to another place. A migrant worker moves from place to place in search of work, usually following crop harvesting from one State to the next. Becoming a migrant has far fewer pros than to just stay in one place, get a job, and settle down.