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A colonial relationship ends when colonial power relationships end, which means that capitalism which is a colonial system would need to end also for a colonial relationship to end. That is to say that colonialism like racism is a systemic dynamic that runs through all institutions of society, you can not have a non-racist relationship because we are embedded within racist dynamics which continue to structure our language, history, economics, politics, and epistemologies. You can however have a relationship which works on racism as part of its politics, then you are interested in how racism plays out in your lifes. To claim to be non-racist is to be all the more racist by unidentifying with what you are engaged with all the time. The same is true for homophobia, sexism, and particularly colonialism as it has to do centrally with the exclusion and denial of other ways of thinking, being and relating outiside euro-centric western knowledge and society (See Anabil Quijano, Walter Mignolo, Ramon Grosfoguel, and Santigao Gomez for excellent reviews of the colonial system of power in which we all are embedded).

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