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in summer

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Q: When do we have more hours od sunlight?
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What is the average sunlight hours for Perth in summer?

Perth, Australia, typically receives around 11-12 hours of sunlight per day during the summer months (December to February). This high level of sunlight is one of the reasons why Perth enjoys a warm and sunny climate during this time of year.

Does June have more sunlight hours than September?

Yes, it does.

Why does Caribou have more hours of sunlight in June than Miami?


Does a tomato plant need direct sunlight or no sunlight?

At least seven hours of sunlight...for photosynthesis best results.The simple answer to questions on light requirements for tomatoes is that you need a minimum of 6 hours to produce fruit, but 8 or more hours of sun will produce the best results in terms of how many tomatoes you get.The reason that light for a tomato plant is so important is that tomato plants convert sunlight into energy. Tomato plants need energy to make their fruit. Therefore, the more sunshine they get, the more energy they have and the more fruit they can produce.

If a student does an experiment to determine if corn plants that receive 8 hours of sun will grow taller than those that receive 4 hours of sun?

Yes, because plants need sunlight to grow and live. The plant that has more sunlight has more time to absorb nutrients for them to make their food, so the plant with 8 hours of sunlight would've grown taller.

Hours of sunlight in St. Louis?

Saint Louis, Missouri is at 38 degrees northern latitude and receives varied amounts of sunlight dpending on the season. Summer days can bring upwards of 14 hours of sunlight while winter days are much shorter, more like six to eight hours.

Will the corn plants getting 10 hours per day of sun grow taller than those getting 5 hours?

Yes, plants use sunlight in photosynthesis, to produce energy to grow. Thus, more sunlight = more growth.

How do the total number of hours of sunlight in a year compare for tropical regions and polar regions?

Tropical regions receive more hours of sunlight in a year compared to polar regions. This is because polar regions experience periods of continuous darkness in winter, known as polar night, while tropical regions generally have more consistent daylight throughout the year.

Is it true that the winter a contry spends more time in the sunlight that in the dark?

This is true. Daylight hours are shorter than darkness hours.

Average hours of January sunlight?

there is around 11 hours of sunlight per day, in january, everyday.

Which explains the relationship between hours of sunlight and seasons?

The number of hours of sunlight varies depending on the season because of Earth's axial tilt. During summer, the hemisphere tilted towards the sun receives more sunlight hours, leading to longer days. In contrast, during winter, the hemisphere tilted away from the sun receives less sunlight hours, resulting in shorter days.

When new jersey has 14 hours of sunlight is the rest of the world having 14 hours of sunlight?

No, the Earth is tilted on its axis. So while some areas have a lot of sunlight, others have less sunlight.