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476 AD is when last Roman emperor of the west deposed by Germanic prince called Odovacar who won control of the remnants of the Roman army of Italy.

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In A.D 476

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Q: When do historians date the fall of Rome?
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What specific event do historians refer to as the Fall of Rome and when did that happen?

the surrender of the Roman emperor in 476 c.e.

How did life in Europe change when Rome fell?

The observation many historians make is that most people didn't notice any difference. But that assumes we consider the fall of Rome to have happened on a date or in some particular year. The fall of Rome was a long, drawn out process, in which things happened over periods of time, with certain events that gave dates to history. There is a link below to an article describing this, but really, it is a subject on which many books have been written. According to the article, there are hundreds of reasons for the fall of Rome given by scholars, and there are many dates for the fall given by those who choose to give a date.

What date is given for the fall of Rome?

There is no precise date for the fall of the Roman empire. The demise of the mighty civilization was a very gradual process from an abundance of factors. At one time, the empire was split in half, the eastern and western Roman empire. To best answer your question, the western Roman empire (in Europe), in which in large part has influenced the western world the most, fell in the 5th century for an appropriate estimate. Just remember: since the Roman Empire became an empire from the transition from a republic (in about B.C. 33), everything began to slide downhill. The empire itself was a major factor to Rome's fall.

What date do most historians give as when the westeren Roman Emipire fell or ened?

476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.

What specific event do historians refer to as the fall of roma?

The term the fall of Rome refers to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire, which crumbled under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.

Related questions

When do historians date fall of Rome?

In A.D 476

What specific event to historians referred to as the fall of Rome?

the surrender of Rome

How do historians date the fall of Rome?

Historians typically date the fall of Rome to 476 AD when the last Roman emperor in the West, Romulus Augustulus, was deposed by the Germanic chieftain Odoacer. This event marked the symbolic end of the Western Roman Empire.

What specific event do historians refer to as the Fall of Rome and when did that happen?

the surrender of the Roman emperor in 476 c.e.

How did life in Europe change when Rome fell?

The observation many historians make is that most people didn't notice any difference. But that assumes we consider the fall of Rome to have happened on a date or in some particular year. The fall of Rome was a long, drawn out process, in which things happened over periods of time, with certain events that gave dates to history. There is a link below to an article describing this, but really, it is a subject on which many books have been written. According to the article, there are hundreds of reasons for the fall of Rome given by scholars, and there are many dates for the fall given by those who choose to give a date.

When did the ancient period end?

Historians define the end of "ancient" history and the beginning of the Middle Ages in Old World history as the date of the fall of Rome. Rome fell in 476 AD when the last Roman Emperor was overthrown by Odoacer, who became the first King of Italy.

What date is given for the fall of Rome?

There is no precise date for the fall of the Roman empire. The demise of the mighty civilization was a very gradual process from an abundance of factors. At one time, the empire was split in half, the eastern and western Roman empire. To best answer your question, the western Roman empire (in Europe), in which in large part has influenced the western world the most, fell in the 5th century for an appropriate estimate. Just remember: since the Roman Empire became an empire from the transition from a republic (in about B.C. 33), everything began to slide downhill. The empire itself was a major factor to Rome's fall.

When was St. Agnes born?

Historians and theologians can't agree even on the date of her death and have made no statement about her date of birth. She was born sometime in the 3rd century.

When and where was Roman Civilization start?

Roman civilisation started in the city of Rome. Rome was said to have been founded in 753 BC. This date had been doubted by historians, but recent archaeological finds seem to confirm it.

What specific event in historians refer to as the fall of Rome?

The Gothic takeover of the Western Empire in 476 CE and the Turkish takeover of the Western Empire in 1453 CE.

What role did Julius Caesar play in the fall of Rome?

Julius Caesar had no role in the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire whatsoever. He died 520 years before the conventional date given for the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire (which is sometimes called the fall of Rome).

What date do most historians give as when the westeren Roman Emipire fell or ened?

476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.