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Jesus died in the year 33, in the Jewish lunar month of Nisan on the 14th day of that month at aprox 3PM.

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Q: When do Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus died?
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Who died first Jesus or Julius Caeasar?

Jesus died first

What is significant about Jehovah's Witnesses during the Holocaust?

Some in the world deny that the holocaust even happened. Jehovah's Witnesses recognize that the holocaust happened, in fact, many of Jehovah's Witnesses were murdered at the hands of the Nazis in concentration camps. There is an entire section of the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC dedicated to Jehovah's Witnesses. The website address for that is : Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Nazi Holocaust and all the other genocides that have occurred are all prt of the composite sign that Jesus gave in Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and Mark chapter 13, that indicate that we are living in the "last days" of this present system of things. Jehovah's Witnesses have been able to face, even death, because of the hope that we have that soon this present rulership will be done away with, and God's Kingdom with Jesus Christ as king will rule and even those who have died will be ressurrected to paradise on earth. See the article "Jehovah's Witnesses, Courageous in the Face of Nazi Peril": == As one of Jehovah's Witnesses and can say that the Holocaust definitely happened and it was an extreme test of fait to be taken away from their homes and put in concentration camps but many were able to endure and survive. Those who died will have the chance to be resurrected and live forever in a paradise earth because they died faithful to Jehovah. Another test of faith was when they were tempted to deny Jehovah and offered relief by doing so.

Who reigened over rome when Jesus died?

Tiberius Caesar was emperor when Jesus died.

Why were the Jehovah's witnesses persecuted during the holocaust?

In many countries Jehovah's Witnesses suffered a great persecution during WW2. Perhaps the greatest persecution occurred in Germany and the Soviet Union. In Germany Jehovah's Witnesses (back then called Bible students - Bibelforscher in German) refused to support Hitler, because they always stay neutral on political matters. This led to their throwing into concentration camps and as a result some of them died. Unlike Jews if a Witness wanted to be released from a concentration camp, he simply had to sign a document stating he no longer want to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Very few did this. In Russia the situation was similar. Due to their neutrality Jehovah's Witnesses were persecuted and thrown into prisons. The same happened in other countries as well.

Was the Holocaust before Jesus died?


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How were the lives of Jehovahs Witnesses influenced during the war?

If you're talking about Germany... Jehovahs Witnesses refused the nazi-salute and the military service (according to their religious belief). Therefore they were sent to concentration camps (where some of them died).

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus died for their sins?

The simple answer to that question is Yes! Jehovah's Witnesses do believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins. (John 3:16) What is more, they also believe that the only way to salvation is through believing and exercising faith in the ransom sacrifice that he gave. (James 2:21-26) And that an individual must remain faithful until death. (Mat. 24:13)

What does pentcostal believe?

We believe in Acts 2:38 And Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. We also believe in the rapture and taht Jesus Christ died on a CROSS. Jehova Witnesses believe that Jesus died on a stake but we believe that he died on a CROSS

How do you know that Jesus died for us?


Do the mormons believe that jesus died on a pole instead of a cross?

No, Mormons believe that Jesus was crucified on a cross, just like most other Christians. Mormons believe and study the Bible throughly, so the accounts there are what we believe. Mormons dont however use the cross as a religious symbol like many other religions... Perhaps you are thinking of the Jehovah's Witnesses? They do not believe that Jesus died on a cross.

Do you believe in the cross Jesus died on?

No I believe in Jesus who died on the cross for you, me, and everybody.

Why do christians believe that Jesus died as a ransom?

Christian's believe that Jesus died as a ransom to our sin.

What do christains believe about jesus?

Jesus is the Savior who died for our sin and rose from the dead and he was witnesses by over 500 people according in I Cor. 15: 3-7. He is the Christ who can save sinners if the sinners 1. believe that they are sinners, 2. believe Jesus died for your sin and rose from the dead 3. Be repent other words turn from sin to God 4. Ask him to be save from sin and be their Savior

What do Christiains believe about the death of Jesus?

Christian's believe Jesus died for their sins, that he died for anybody. And the only way to get to Heaven, is to trust Jesus as their Savior. And they have to believe they are a sinner, and Jesus died for them, and the only way to know God is through the Son. (Jesus Christ)

Do Anglicans believe jesus die for us?

Yes Anglican believe that jesus died for them.

What do christians believe jesus did?

We Christians believe that Jesus died for the sins of the world on the cross at Calvary, and if we believe he died and rose from the dead we shall be saved.

Do you believe that Jesus died for you?
