The Vikings first invaded Britiain in 793 AD and last invaded in 1066 when William the Conqueror became King of England. 793 to 796 then they took over
This is true.
in the winter! Get over it!
The Vikings invaded Britain so that they can plunder the valuable property in British settlements and occupy the land. The Vikings were subdued in battle because they had under-estimated the opposing armies.
The first documented Viking raid on Britain was on the 6th June 793 and it took place in Lindesfarne.
the Romans began their invasion of Britain .Barbarian armies begin to invade Roman Britain .
This is true.
in the winter! Get over it!
The Vikings invaded Britain so that they can plunder the valuable property in British settlements and occupy the land. The Vikings were subdued in battle because they had under-estimated the opposing armies.
The first documented Viking raid on Britain was on the 6th June 793 and it took place in Lindesfarne.
the Romans began their invasion of Britain .Barbarian armies begin to invade Roman Britain .
They came over to Britain to invade because they wanted our land. But we were over prepared and fought back.
700/600 BC The Celts invade. 43BC Emperor Claduis invades (Romans) 450 The Anglo-Saxons invade 410 The Romans leave 793 The Vikings invade. 1066 The Normans invade 1688 By the Dutch So Britain has been invaded 6 times.
How long ago did vikings live
The Romans and the Normans.=]The last people to successfully invade Britain were the Normans from Normandy, France in 1066, although they did not invade Scotland which is part of Britain.
when there moms told them to
Norway, Sweden, Denmark.