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Hatshepsut was the Pharaoh because Thutmose was too young to be a Pharaoh Hatshepsut was known as a regent, because Thutmose was supposed to rule, but Hatshepsut did until he was old enough. However, when Thutmose was about 20 years old, Hatshepsut did not want to give up her reign of course. She wanted to be in power. She had led the economy to its best, making sure everyone gets a surplus or plenty of food, and lots of wealth spread across Egypt. Then, finally Hatshepsut gave her Pharaoh role to Thutmose and led Egypt the same way. That doesn't answer the question at all the question is how old was thutmose III when hatshepsut became pharaoh and that paragraph has nothing about that!!! FYI He was believed to be five years old. oh and by the way i fixed your spelling for you because you have no idea how to spell pharaoh its p h a r a o h not p h a r o a h !!!

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Q: When did thutmose III became pharaoh?
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How old was Thutmose's III when he became pharaoh?

No one knows all they know is that he was next to be pharaoh after his stepmother died '' Hatshepsut '' .

Who was appionted regent for Thutmose III?

At around 1500 B.C a child named Thutmose III became pharaoh. Because of his youth his step mother was appointed his regent. (hatshepsut)

Who was the pharaoh in 1450 B.C.E.?

Menkheperre Thutmose III

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Who is queen hatshesut?

a egyptian pharaoh,dauther of king thutmose I and queen aahmes.her hubby died she then made herself pharaoh later she died her nephew thutmose III became pharaoh ur welcome :) have fun with ur homework (im guessing this is ur homework)

What did thutmose iii do wrong?

He killed Hatshepsut for his reign to start as Pharaoh

Who was the ruler that tried to destroy all records of the previous pharaoh in ancient Egypt?

Thutmose III was the pharaoh that tried to destroy all records of the previous pharaoh, his aunt, Hatshepsut. He was angry that she took the throne after she saw that Thtumose was still too young.

How did pharoah hatshepsut became pharoah?

She became Pharaoh because her stepson Thutmose III was too young to rule. She ruled for him until he was old enough. She ruled for 20 years before disappearing because Thutmose III came to rule. They say Thutmose the third killed her because she stayed Pharaoh when she wasn't supposed to.

What happen during Thutmose iii time as a ruler?

his was ruling the country to his country as a pharaoh. :)

Who was the pharaoh who spread Egyptian rule northward to Syria and conquered Nubia?

Thutmose III