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Q: When did the us joined the civil war?
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Who did Texas favor in the civil war?

Concerning Texas and The US Civil War, Texas joined the Confederacy. The State seceded in February of 1861.

Why was Maryland critical for the Union's war efforts in the US Civil War?

Maryland was a critical factor in the US Civil War. If it had joined the Confederacy, Washington DC would have been isolated as it would be surrounded by Confederate states. The capitol of the US would have been relocated. This could have been Philadelphia or even New York City. If Maryland had joined the Rebel states, it would have influenced the US Civil War, but it would not necessarily determined the outcome of the war.

Was Texas and Arkansas allied with the South in the US Civil War?

Texas and Arkansas were part of the Confederacy during the US Civil War. Both states had slaves, however Texas joined the Confederacy before the assault on Fort Sumter, and Arkansas joined the rebellion after the assault on Fort Sumter.

What was the reason why the slaves joined the civil war?

Depends on which side the US or the CSA the US was because they joined for their own desire or they were taken by the US because they were considered property and trained. The CSA side they join the war because they own desire and the southerners main reason for the war for independence.

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No one joined in the Russian civil war.

Did the state of Kansas part of the US Civil War?

Kansas joined the Union in January of 1861. It fought as a Union state in the US Civil War. There was a good deal of guerrilla warfare there as many people were sympathetic to the South.

Between 1845 and the Civil War the US added which areas?

Florida, Texas, Iowa, Wisconsin, California, Minnesota, Oregon and Kansas joined the Union between 1845 and the start of the American Civil War, which was on April 12, 1861. West Virginia and Nevada joined during the war.

Between 1845 and the American Civil War the US added which states?

Florida, Texas, Iowa, Wisconsin, California, Minnesota, Oregon and Kansas joined the Union between 1845 and the start of the American Civil War, which was on April 12, 1861. West Virginia and Nevada joined during the war.

What were the years after the US Civil War referred to?

After the US Civil War, the US Government had the task of reuniting the Southern States that had joined the Confederacy back into the United States. There was controversy over this most serious problem. Many leaders worked on the "Reconstruction"the South.

Why did the US declare war on Texas?

To my knowledge the US never declared war on Texas. However, after Texas became a US state it did lead to a declaration of war on Mexico. And Texas was at war with the US during the Civil War, but that was because Texas seceded from the Union and joined the Confederacy.

How old was Galusha Pennypacker when he started the civil war?

he was 16 when he joined the war

What linked Egypt to the aftermath of US Civil War?

To the surprise of many US Civil War buffs, a number of Union and Confederate officers became members of Egypt's military after the war. As one example, Confederate general William Loring joined Egypt's military forces.