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Practical electrical telegraphy began in 1844, though the principle had been demonstrated in 1831.

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Q: When did the telegraph start?
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When is the data communication system start or happen?

telegraph in early 1800s.

How did the Western Union Telegraph Company get its start?

Western Union Telegraph Company began offering phone service, using technology developed partly by Gray and Thomas Edison

When was telegraph?

Telegraph-Journal was created in 1862.

How telegraph chaneged?

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Can a telegraph be wireless?

Yes a telegraph can be wireless. Thomas Edison invented the first wireless telegraph

Who are the owners of the Daily Telegraph UK?

The Barclay brothers puchased the Telegraph Group , which included the The Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph and The spectator, from Hollinger in 2004.

How was electricity sent across the country?

The telegraph.

How do you make a Morse code machine?

HOW THEY MADE A MORSE CODE MACHINE Samuel F.B. Morse and Alfred Vail developed an electric telegraph which sent pulses of electrical current to control an electromagnet that was located at the receiving end of the telegraph wire.

Where can one subscribe to the Evening Telegraph online?

For Telegraph readers who are wishing to subscribe online to the Evening Telegraph they could subscribe by going to their local online Evening Telegraph website.

What is a telegraph circuit?

A telegraph circuit is an electrical circuit attached to a telegraph. This circuit is incomplete until the telegraph is connected, allowing for the Morse-code messages by tapping the circuit closed.

Which development brought an end to the Pony Express?

The telegraph is what ended the Pony Express

Is telegraph an adjective?

It is a noun which can be used as an adjective: a telegraph pole.