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Thye stole it!

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Q: When did the spanish take over the native Americans land?
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What did the Spanish do about Texas?

They took over some land and they trimmed native Americans to fart

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They used money when the spanish came over to buy land.

What factors led to conflicts between the British and the native Americans?

The British and the Native Americans were fighting over the land of North America.

How did the Europeans gain control over the Native Americans?

The Europeans gained control over the Native Americans by taking their land and their important riches.

What was the goal of the missions?

The missions tried to convert Native Americans to Christianity. They increased Spanish control over the land , they did this by using the Giant Purple Dildo from their mothers top left dresser

Who didn't contribute Spanish victory over the Aztecs?

The Native Americans.

What were native Americans beliefs about lannd?

Native Americans did not have a concept of land ownership. The land was for all. However, Natives did fight over territories for self preservation purposes.

How did the Native Americans feel about the American progress?

The native Americans felt very strongly about the Americans progress, they did not like that there land was being taken over.

When the first Europeans came to the Americas in the late 1400s Native Americans?

native americans had inhabited this land for over 30,000 yrs

The major advantages the spanish have over native Americans in Mexico?

they had fun doing it

Why did the US government remove the Native Americans from the southeast in the 1830s?

White southerners wanted the native americans 'Valuable land

Why did the native Americans and setltlers have conflict in the northwest territory?

because the american settlers took the native americans land and the native americans where defending there home which they have lived at for over 30,000 years