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At the Auschwitz complex of camps, some newly arrived Jews were selected for work - and the rest were usually gassed as soon as possible. Selection in this sense only took place on a large scale at camps that were both extermination camps and labour camps - namely Auschwitz and Majdanek.

At all the extermination camps a small number of new arrivals were sometimes selected to help with the extermination process, for example by digging graves, and some had to help the SS sort the victims belongings.

A medical officer like Dr. Mengele said to go left or right. One line was if your healthy and you would go work. The others were gassed as soon as possible.


In addition to 'selection' on arrival, 'selections' would take place at any time. (A good example of this is in Schindler's List when the ladies are trying to make their cheeks red and they have to run around)

Often they would happen at roll call, but selection could happen at any time.

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12y ago

The Selection Process was a process of separating people from each other. When you were in the camp you would be separated women and men. You would then be determined if you were healthy or sick. If sick you were sent to the Gas Chambers. If healthy you would live. At least for the time being.

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15y ago

Yes there was a selection process at Auschwitz

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13y ago

When everybody enters the camp divided into two lines depending on your gender.

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It was either life or death no matter the difference they still died

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they selected the people by judging on how strong/healthy they looked. Babies and small children were instantly sent to the gas chambers due to their lack of strength

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Q: When did the selection process began at Auschwitz and how did it work?
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What was the process of sorting Jews for death or work?

As a routine process it took place only at Auschwitz and was called 'selection'. The trains emptied at the 'ramp' in Auschwitz II, and those considered fit for work were 'selected'. The others, including all elderly, young and visibly unfit arrivals and visibly pregnant women were sent straight to the gas chambers.

This was the process of dividing the Jews at the concentration Camps?

The word is selection. Some Jews were selected for work, the rest were sent to the gas chambers. This could only happen (on a large scale) at camps that were both extermination camps and labour camps, namely Auschwitz and Majdanek.

What was Auschwitz concentration camp how may Jews died in it?

Auschwitz was an network of concentration camps and sub camps. Auschwitz had 3 main camps and 51 sub camps. Auschwitz is located known today as Oswiecim in Poland. Auschwitz concentration camp is known in history for many things and they are; Millions of people died in them, Auschwitz Birkenau was an death factory, how it was ran and what else apart from the killings happened in it.Auschwitz was established after the Nazi occupation of Poland in 1939. At first Auschwitz was an military barrack for the Polish Cavalry unit but it was turn into an concentration camp. Once Auschwitz was established, killings didn't began straight away. At first Auschwitz was an Labour camp which in the early years, the main inmates were Soviet POW's and Poles. All of this changed in 1941 after the Wansee Conference and the idea of the Final Solution came to place. Once the Final Solution was ordered, that is when the mass killings began.When the mass killings began, millions of Jews, Poles and POW's were deported to Auschwitz. it's known that 5 Million people were deported to Auschwitz withing the years of 1940-1945. when people were deported to Auschwitz, from 1941 onwards, prisoners had to be part of the "Selection Process." This means that an processes taken place and to see who were fit enough to work and who were to be sent to the gas chambers. This how it worked;1. Prisoners deported from cattle wagons.2. Prisoners sent to area where the Selection Process would take place.3. SS ordered everyone in the middle area (between 10,000-248,000 prisoners did this)3. People who were fit to work was sent to the SS Officer's Right hand side. (Who was ordering the selection Process ) This was mainly men and kids about the ages of 15.4. People who weren't fit to work was sent to the SS Officer's left hand side, where they would be gassed immediately. This mainly included Woman, Children and the elderly.5. After the process; The left side people were sent to gas chambers and the right side were sent to work.NOTE: Jews were always sent to Gas Chambers despite if they were or weren't fit to Work.The number of death toll of Jews in Auschwitz has been an Major issue to historians for nearly 70 Years. Their has been an range of 1.1 Million - 2 Millions of Jews died in Auschwitz. However, the numbers have fallen in. After many Testimonies from the SS Functionaries and Prisoners in Auschwitz, the ruff official death toll of Jews at Auschwitz is 1,765,000. This is proved from various documents the allies got and from the testimonies given from the years February 1945- November 1991.

What was the reception center for Auschwitz?

Birkenau was a reception center for Auschwitz.

What was Auschwitz caused by?

Auschwitz was created on the orders of Himmler and established by the work of Hoess.

Related questions

What was arrival and selection?

When deportees arrived at the death camps (such as Auschwitz Birkenau), they were divided into two groups: those who could work and those would be killed. That was the selection process.

What was the process of sorting Jews for death or work?

As a routine process it took place only at Auschwitz and was called 'selection'. The trains emptied at the 'ramp' in Auschwitz II, and those considered fit for work were 'selected'. The others, including all elderly, young and visibly unfit arrivals and visibly pregnant women were sent straight to the gas chambers.

This was the process of dividing the Jews at the concentration Camps?

The word is selection. Some Jews were selected for work, the rest were sent to the gas chambers. This could only happen (on a large scale) at camps that were both extermination camps and labour camps, namely Auschwitz and Majdanek.

What was Auschwitz concentration camp how may Jews died in it?

Auschwitz was an network of concentration camps and sub camps. Auschwitz had 3 main camps and 51 sub camps. Auschwitz is located known today as Oswiecim in Poland. Auschwitz concentration camp is known in history for many things and they are; Millions of people died in them, Auschwitz Birkenau was an death factory, how it was ran and what else apart from the killings happened in it.Auschwitz was established after the Nazi occupation of Poland in 1939. At first Auschwitz was an military barrack for the Polish Cavalry unit but it was turn into an concentration camp. Once Auschwitz was established, killings didn't began straight away. At first Auschwitz was an Labour camp which in the early years, the main inmates were Soviet POW's and Poles. All of this changed in 1941 after the Wansee Conference and the idea of the Final Solution came to place. Once the Final Solution was ordered, that is when the mass killings began.When the mass killings began, millions of Jews, Poles and POW's were deported to Auschwitz. it's known that 5 Million people were deported to Auschwitz withing the years of 1940-1945. when people were deported to Auschwitz, from 1941 onwards, prisoners had to be part of the "Selection Process." This means that an processes taken place and to see who were fit enough to work and who were to be sent to the gas chambers. This how it worked;1. Prisoners deported from cattle wagons.2. Prisoners sent to area where the Selection Process would take place.3. SS ordered everyone in the middle area (between 10,000-248,000 prisoners did this)3. People who were fit to work was sent to the SS Officer's Right hand side. (Who was ordering the selection Process ) This was mainly men and kids about the ages of 15.4. People who weren't fit to work was sent to the SS Officer's left hand side, where they would be gassed immediately. This mainly included Woman, Children and the elderly.5. After the process; The left side people were sent to gas chambers and the right side were sent to work.NOTE: Jews were always sent to Gas Chambers despite if they were or weren't fit to Work.The number of death toll of Jews in Auschwitz has been an Major issue to historians for nearly 70 Years. Their has been an range of 1.1 Million - 2 Millions of Jews died in Auschwitz. However, the numbers have fallen in. After many Testimonies from the SS Functionaries and Prisoners in Auschwitz, the ruff official death toll of Jews at Auschwitz is 1,765,000. This is proved from various documents the allies got and from the testimonies given from the years February 1945- November 1991.

What was Elie Wiesel father's fate at the second selection?

Elie Wiesel's father was deemed fit for work during the second selection at Auschwitz and was spared from immediate death in the gas chambers.

What is the process of choosing jew's to camps to die called?

the process of chosing Jews to go to camps was called deportation. Any time that a person was selected from a group, either to die or to join a work group was called a 'selection'. The process on arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the one camp that was an extermination centre and a concentration camp, where very often a sizeable proportion of the arrivals (like up to 30%) might be selected for work details, is generally know as 'selection'. But similar 'selections' happened almost daily where at rollcall the Germans would select those who looked less able to work for execution.

What was Auschwitz caused by?

Auschwitz was created on the orders of Himmler and established by the work of Hoess.

What was the reception center for Auschwitz?

Birkenau was a reception center for Auschwitz.

How does elies father respond when he learns that his name has been written down?

Elie's father is initially upset when he learns that his name has been written down during the selection process at Auschwitz because it means he has been selected for work. However, he decides to lie about his age to remain with Elie and to protect him.

What was the process that was followed by the guards when a new batch of prisoners arrived at auschwitz?

If they had a profession they were allowed to work , otherwise they were sent straight to the gas chambers

What happened to the women in Auschwitz?

Killed if unfit to work but if they were fit to work, they would be sent to female concentration camp in auschwitz

What was the purpose of the Auschwitz camp?

The purpose of the Auschwitz camp was to kill people or put them to work.