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1. Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 2. Operation Desert Storm January to February 1991 3. Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003-

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There were at least three Golf wars. Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988; Operation Desert Storm Jan/Feb '91; Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003.

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January 1st, 2003.

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Q: When did the second gulf war began?
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In which year did gulf war take place?

The Gulf War began in 1990 and ended in 1991.

When was the War on Terrorism or also known as the Gulf War II?

The Second Gulf War was actually the one which occurred from 1990 - 1991, with the first being the Iran-Iraq War. The Global War On Terror, as it's known, began in September of 2001, and is ongoing.

What year is most closely related to the beginning of the Gulf War?

The Iran-Iraq War began in 1980 and ended in 1988. The question was about the Gulf War which was fought two years after the Iran-Iraq War ended. The Gulf War began in August of 1990 and ended in January of 1991.

What country began the gulf war?

The UNITED NATIONS started the gulf war which included UNITED STATES and UNITED KINGDOM!!!!

Which war began following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait under the leadership of Saddam Hussein?

THE PERSIAN GULF WAR OF 1990-1991 began after Saddam Hussein led an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

When did the 'Desert Storm' conflict start?

Operation Desert Storm was the codename for the Gulf War. Desert Storm was a war from January 17, 1991 until February 28, 1991. The war was also known under the names Persian Gulf War, First Gulf War, Gulf War 1 or the First Iraq War.

The Persian gulf war began when Saddam Hussein?

launched an invasion of Kuwait

What were the first events of the perian gulf war?

The Iran-Iraq War began in 1980 and ended in 1988.

What is the name of the war Iraq and US is in?

It is known as :The Iraq War,The Second Gulf WarOccupation of IraqWar in Iraq,In Iraq is is known as the 2nd American Gulf War.

How many iraqis died in the second gulf war?


The Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991 began after Iraq invaded which country?


What turned a disagreement into the persian gulf war?

The disagreement that eventually turned into the Persian gulf war was the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. When the Iraqi troops would not leave Kuwait, the Persian gulf war began with military force under the Reagan administration.