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The question mark, in the form we recognize today, originated around the 13th Century. Prior to that, dots and "lighting bolt" symbols were used.

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Q: When did the question mark first appear?
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What does a question mark cause in a sentence?

question mark is a punctuation mark that makes the sentence an INTERROGATIVE. why? because, a sentence with a question mark is giving a question, asking, or interrogating. now, for this case..... a question mark can make the given sentence an interrogation. related answers: 4 types of sentences interrogative: a sentence that asks a question. it ends with question mark exclamatory: a sentence that states a very strong feeling. it ends with exclamatory point. imperative: gives a command or request. it ends with a period. declarative: taken fromn its name, a declarative sentence is a sentence that declares or it gives us ends with a period also.

Zionists in 1933 Germany?

That is not a question, rather it is a subject with a question mark at the end.

What was the name of the first tank used in World War 1?

WWI first tank was called? That is not a question. It isn't even a complete sentence. Therefore I cannot answer it.

Who did octavian defeat to become ruler of rome?

Octavian defeated Mark Antony to become the first citizen of Rome.Octavian defeated Mark Antony to become the first citizen of Rome.Octavian defeated Mark Antony to become the first citizen of Rome.Octavian defeated Mark Antony to become the first citizen of Rome.Octavian defeated Mark Antony to become the first citizen of Rome.Octavian defeated Mark Antony to become the first citizen of Rome.Octavian defeated Mark Antony to become the first citizen of Rome.Octavian defeated Mark Antony to become the first citizen of Rome.Octavian defeated Mark Antony to become the first citizen of Rome.

Integrity and versatility of a computer?

Putting a question mark at the end of a sentence does not make it a question, please reword this.

Related questions

Where was the question mark invented?

The question mark was first used in the Syriac language.

When using an exclamation mark in a question do you end the sentence with the exclamation mark first or the question mark first?

Your question actually points the way to the answer. If the sentence is a question, it should end with a question mark. When you include an exclamation within a question, you also include the exclamation point within the full stop of the sentence.

How do you make a question mark using your LG phone?

In the options for characters, select "symbols", and other menus will appear, one of those features the "?" mark.

What symbol goes first exclamation point or question mark when you are doing both?

The symbol that comes first depends on the tone of the sentence. In general, if the sentence is more exclamatory, the exclamation point (!) should come first. If it is more questioning in nature, the question mark (?) should come first.

Who used the question mark for the first time?


If the concluding sentence in a story is a question do you put the question mark first or the speech mark?

In American English, the question mark typically goes inside the closing quotation mark if the question is part of the quoted material. For example: "Did you hear that?" she asked.

Does exclamation mark appear after ''Excuse me''?

Only if you want to add emphasis to the sentence.

What did sam and mark first appear on?

Pop Idol, the year that Michelle Mcmanus won

Which goes first question mark or exlamation point?

Normally, you would not use both a question mark and an exclamation point in the same sentence. If a sentence is interrogative, it is not an exclamation. An interrogative sentence ends in a question mark, and an exclamation ends in an exclamation point.

Where is a?

"A" is a vowel, first letter of the alphabet or "?" is a question mark, you place this at the end of a question in a sentence.

Do you captilize after a question mark?

Yes, the first letter after a question mark should be capitalized if it is the beginning of a new sentence.

How big can?

What a ridiculous question! First question properly before giving a question mark(?).