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August 4, 1944.

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Q: When did the police find the Franks hiding place?
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Why did the Franks tell their friends to store their stuff?

The Franks suspected that it was only a matter of time until the German occupiers of the Netherlands began rounding up the Jews. They knew that they might have to find a hiding place where they could not bring all their belongings.

How did the police find annes hiding place in the diary of anne frank?

Well, it didn't say that in the diary of course. But somebody suspected that there were Jews hiding in the building and they called the Gestapo, and Anne and the rest were arrested.

What place hiding in clubpenguin?

If you press on a penguin to find it and it says "hiding" ... they are at the HQ ;)

How did the Green Police and Gestapo find the Jews that were hiding?

They had a list of the names of Jews and some people turned them in if they found out about them hiding.

What does it mean when police bring in the dogs?

Usually searching for drugs or trying to find a person that may be hiding.

How did they find Anne Franks Diary?

the lady that was hiding anne found it and was going to give it to anne when she got out of the concentration camp but when she found out she was dead she gave it to annes father

Are warrants bad?

It depends. Warrents allow the police to search something or someone without question (the person cannot refuse the search), so it is good for police. If you happen to be hiding something from the police, then it could be bad for you. It means the police will be able to find whatever you are hiding and you won't be able to say "no, don't search me."

In chapter 5 of the outsider's why was dally hauled into the police station?

Johnny had killed someone and is hiding with Ponyboy. So the police is trying to find them so hauls Dally to the police station.

How did anne frank find out that she had to go into hiding?

Just a few days before the Franks had to suddenly go into hiding, Otto Frank took a walk with Anne to explain to her that they were planning to do so. They actually did go into hiding about 10 days before they had planned to, because Margot got her call-up notice.

Where is the best hiding place?

Places where people are unlikely to find you weird places

Is hiding a pronoun or a noun?

The word 'hiding' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to hide. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective and a gerund (verbal noun).Examples:The dog was hiding under the bed when it was time for his bath. (verb)I have to find a good hiding place for Jack's birthday presents. (adjective)The police had a warrant in hand but the suspect had gone into hiding. (noun)A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Example: The dog was hiding under the bed. He doesn't like a bath. (the pronoun 'he' takes the place of the noun 'dog' in the second sentence)

When did the nazi find the franks?

The Nazis police found Anne Frank and everyone else in the secret annex at 10:30 am on 4 August 1944.