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The didn't. King John signed the magna carta in 1215.

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Q: When did the nobles force William the Conqueror to sign the Magna C arta?
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What did English Nobles force him to do in 1215?

they forced the king of England to sign the Magna Carta

What did Magna Carta required the king to do?

Magna carta force the king not to put people in jail for no reason. Also the king cant force the nobles to pay the tax until the nobles agree.

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William The Conqueror won the Battle of Hastings in 1066. By Brendan

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A conqueror is a person who gains control of or subdues a place, nation, gathering of people, etc., by use of force or threat of force. The word is often used to refer to the winner of a battle or war.

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Because they had already planed to force king John to sign magna carta

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What document listing certain rights of citizens did Englishmen's force king John to sign?

magna carta

What were Harold's mistakes in preparation for the Battle of Hastings?

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