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immediately after ww2 before the Korean War

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Q: When did the neo nazi start in the US?
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Which current US states have the most neo-nazi groups?


When did the Neo- Nazi start making websites?

Ever since the internet started in the early 1990s.

What are some organizations for Germany?

nazi, neo nazi

When was New Order - Neo-Nazi group - created?

New Order - Neo-Nazi group - was created in 1983.

When was Bill White - neo-Nazi - born?

Bill White - neo-Nazi - was born on 1977-05-29.

Are neo Nazi real?

Neo Nazis are groups of people who still believe in Adolf Hitler's ideologies. These groups are most popular in the US because of "Freedom of Speech" and unlike most countries, Neo Nazism is legal in the US.

Are the Muslim Extremists declare war on Neo-Nazi Groups?

No, the Muslim Extremists have not declared war on the Neo-Nazi Groups.

What is the neo Nazi agenda?

Neo-Nazis support a fascist and totalitarian government

What actors and actresses appeared in Black Furor - 2012?

The cast of Black Furor - 2012 includes: Peter Carlsson as Neo-Nazi Thug 7 Billy Kyle Roach as Neo-Nazi Thug 1 Gdalyah Lane as Neo- Nazi Brute Kwame Rock as Edward Chris Trentham as Neo-Nazi Thug 4

What are the neo Nazis current beliefs?

They believe everything that a nazi would but because hitler and the nazi's reign ended they are neo nazi's and they believe that man is greater than god

Is Justin Bieber a Nazi?

No, Justin Bieber has no Nazi nor any Neo-Nazi affiliation.

Is the US a nazi death regime that bombs children and tortures people?

No. While Neo-Nazi groups do exist, the US does not support their cause nor did it support the Nazi cause during WW2. Unfortunately death is a part of war, but that does not represent what the US as a whole stands for.