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Q: When did the last SS units surrender?
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Twelve Waffen SS units

What are ss units?

SS units were volunteer troops with particularly strong commitments to Nazi ideology. I just looked that up, too.

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SS-Obergruppenführer Theodor Eicke until 1943.Later SS-Gruppenführer Richard Glücks.

What are ss?

SS units were volunteer troops with particularly strong commitments to Nazi ideology. I just looked that up, too.

What was the roll of the ss during the Final solution?

The majority of SS officers fought in the Waffen-SS. Others, however, were in the Totenkopfverbaende and ran the concentration camps and death camps. Many Waffen-SS units comitted appalling atrocities.

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Hitler ordered the SS to destry the train near the end of WW2

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they were the 'SS'. most dreded German units during the war..................

Nazi ss death head units?

SS-Totenkopfverbande, or 'Death's Head Units', were set up in the 1930s to guard German concentration camps, the first being established at Dachau. By the outbreak of the war, the SS-Totenkopfverbande, together with the SS-Verfugungstruppe and the SS-Leibstandarte 'Adolf Hitler', had formed the core elements of what became known as the Waffen-SS. Within the Waffen-SS, the SS-Totenkopfverbande eventually became the elite Totenkopfdivision (Death's Head Division).After becoming part of the Waffen-SS, the Totenkopf regiments were no longer responsible for guarding concentration camps, that role being taken over by older members of the Algemeine-SS (General SS).