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In the summer of 1933 is when the Franks moved to the Netherlands. They decided to move because of the increasing tensions in Germany. I hope this helped you!

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Q: When did the franks move to the Netherlands?
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Where did the Franks move to after Hitler ruled Germany?

they moved to the Netherlands

Where did the Frank's move?

They moved to the netherlands in ann franks father annex over his office.

Where did Anne Franks father move the family?

Into an annex; which was above offices; in Amsterdam. Which is also the Netherlands.

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They settled in the Netherlands

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The Franks settled in modern-day France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and western Germany.

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Mr. Dussel moved in with the Franks in November 1942.

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People speculate that the Franks moved to Amsterdam in the Netherlands to escape persecution during World War II. They went into hiding in a secret annex above Otto Frank's business premises.

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What country or race did theDutch decend from?

The Dutch are an ethnic group in their own right, native to the Netherlands. They are descended from the Franks (a Germanic tribe).