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Q: When did the europeans claim the new world?
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How did the industrial revolution motivate Europeans to claim colonies around the world?

How did the Industrial Revolution motivate Europeans to claim colonies around the world? A. Europeans hoped to recruit scientists from around the world to help develop new technology. B. Europeans wanted to spread industrial technology to poor countries around the world. C. Europeans hoped to find Natural Resources to produce goods in factories. D. Europeans needed places to use the new technologies they had developed.

Why did Europeans feel the land was theirs in the new world?

they felt that because they claim it ,no one was there so they took it has there own and ruled it

How did the Europeans explore the New World?

The Europeans explored the New World with ships.

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What do Europeans call the Americas?

The New World

What specific recourse did the Europeans want from the new world?

The Europeans wanted gold from the new world. Other desired resources were silver, copper and food.

Why did Europeans take Africans to the colonies of the new world?

Because other Africans sold them to the Europeans as slaves and the new world colonies needed workers.

Is it a fact that Native Americans started syphilius?

Some theories have it that it was present in ancient Greece, and already in Europe before the New World was discovered by Europeans, while other theories claim that it was a New World disease brought back to Europe in the 1400s.