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Henry IV became Holy Roman Emperor in 1070 A.D., and Hildebrand became Pope Gregory VII in 1073 A.D., he forbade lay investiture in 1075 A.D.. A synod at Worms attempted to depose the Pope in 1076 A.D. and the Pope excommunicated Henry and the Bishops later that same year. In 1077 A.D., Henry said he was sorry and submitted to ecclesiastical penance.

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Q: When did the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV occur?
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During what period of time did the conflict between pope Gregory vii and the holy roman emperor Henry iv occur?

1050-1100 A.D. PLATO Answers FTW

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What were Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV in disagreement about

What was the issue that cause the conflict between pope and Gregory VII and the holy Roman Emperor Henry IV?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe issue was lay investiture, where the Emperor was filling the vacant sees of Bishops. Pope Gregory VII removed this power, when Henry refused to go along with him, Pope Gregory excommunicated him and all the bishops that he appointed it. However, Henry immediately submitted so the Holy Father had to reinstate him and give him penance.

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Pope Gregory died leaving Henry iv to do as he pleased

How was the conflict between Pope Gregory and Henry resolved?

Henry crossed the freezing Alps to the Italian town of Canossa. He approached the castle where the Pope Gregory VII was a guest and then begged humbly to be forgiven.

Who did the pope Gregory Vll clash?

. Emperor Henry IV

Who did Henry IV conflict with?

Pope Gregory VII

Why did pope Gregory excommunicate emperor Henry iv?

Henry lV violated the pope's orders.

Why did pope gregory VII excommunicate emperor henry?

Henry lV violated the pope's orders.

What was the date when Pope Gregory VII excommunicated emperor Henry IV?

Henry was excommunicated on February 22, 1076.

The result of the investiture controversy between pope gregory vii and emperor henry iv was?

the weakening and eventual break up of Germany. <----- Study Island