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The US and other nations invaded Afghanistan and Iraq shortly after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The US invaded Afghanistan first because that's where the Al Queada terrorists who masterminded and executed the Sept 11 attacks, were primarily living and conducting their terrost activities from. The Taliban who were at that time running the Afghanistan government gave shelter, protection and permission to Al Queda to live and operate in Afghanistan. Initially the US demanded the Taliban give Al Queda members to the US, when the Taliban refused, the US invaded Afghanistan to eliminate the harsh fanatical Taliban government (and restore democracy to the Afghan people) and capture or kill Al Queda. Shortly therafter, the US invaded Iraq when President Bush was concerned for the US' safety after Saddam Hussein kicked out the international nuclear and chemical weapons investigators. Iraq refused entry to the international communities nuclear and chemical investigators and caused concern globally because no one knew whether or not Iraq actually did have weapons of mass destruction ("WMD"). The US intelligence agencies concluded that Iraq did have WMD. Although this intelligence proved to be inaccurate. It is better to be safe than sorry, and thus it made sense for the US to invade Iraq. If Saddam Hussein would have just come clean and let the nuclear inspectors in to investigate, the whole Iraq War could have been avoided.

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Q: When did the US and other nations invade Afghanistan and Iraq?
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