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We do not have the exact dates, but it appears that the earliest conversions, usually of Ghanian leaders, occurred in the mid-800s C.E., and Islam became a dominant religion in the Ghana Empire by the mid-900s C.E.

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Mali converted to Islam when Mansa Musa came into power, but this was mainly because of merchants and the fact that Musa made Islam the national religion.

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Q: When did the Mali empire convert to Islam?
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How was the influence of Islam different in Ghana than it was in Mali?

Muslims in Ghana are minority while in Mali they are majority. In Ghana percentage of Muslims is only 15.9 % (~3.8 million Muslims) while in Mali the percentage is 92.5% (~12 million Muslims). These statistics are according to Pew Forum study as of October 2009. Chrissy: The people of Ghana were forced to convert to Islam by the muslims empire in Ghana. The Muslims came to Ghana from North America and built mosques. In time, Ghana's ruler employed them as advisers. As Ghana grew weaker, Mali replaced Ghana and taken over most of their territory. Mali's first great ruler, Sundiata, came into power by crushing a cruel, unpopular leader. In Mali, their ruler did NOT force his people to convert/or accept Islam. In fact, most of the people of Mali retained their traditional African beliefs.

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Why did Mansa Musa convert to Islam?

Mansa Musa converted to Islam because he wanted to solidify his political power and connections with other Muslim kingdoms, as well as to gain economic benefits through trade with Muslim merchants across North Africa. Additionally, embracing Islam allowed him to establish his legitimacy as the ruler of the prosperous Mali Empire.

What empier did sundiata establish?

he established mali empire!!

What did the spread of Islam in Ghana and mali result from?

Islam spread in Mali and Ghana by the Arab Muslim traders.

What empire made Timbuktu?

The Mali Empire included it first and then the Songhai Empire did a while later

What effect did Islam have on Mali?

Mmany of the Mali people accepted Islam and put Islamic way of life into practice.

What type of jobs did people in the Mali empire have?

there was no mali empire thats a country in africa

What are the accomplishments of Mali?

Mali once had a mightly empire.