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Q: When did the Jews face persecution and segregation?
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What event in 1938 marked a significant escalation in the Nazi policy of persecution against the Jews?

Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass in November 1938 changed the tone of Jewish persecution in Nazi Germany from only a legal segregation between Germans and Jews to actual violent persecution, theft, and murder of Jews.

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the first freed blacks suffered segregation, persecution by white supremasists and less concideration for jobs.

What problem free black face?

the first freed blacks suffered segregation, persecution by white supremasists and less concideration for jobs.

What occurred during the three stages of the holocaust?

There were no 'The' three, but three phases were: persecution, segregation and extermination.

What the persecution of many Jews?

They where persecution by Hitlers solders

How does the film 'Schlinder's List' potray the persecution of the Jew?

Most of the scenes with Jews in showed persecution of Jews.

How did the Jews persecution end?

The people responsible for the persecution were removed from places of power that enabled them to commint the persecution.

How did persecution contribute to the spread of Judaism?

Persecution forced the Jews to migrate to new regions.

Where did the persecution of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes take place?

The majority of the persecution of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes took place in the area around Jerusalem. This persecution led directly to the Maccabean Revolt.

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Segregation, segregation, segregation, and segregation

Who is known for his hatred and persecution of Jews?


How was the persecution of Jews significant to the outcome of World War 2?

I don't think the Nazi persecution of the Jews had any bearing on the '''outcome''' of World War 2. The war (unlike the Holocaust) was not about the Jews.