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In the 7th and 8th centuries.

The first campaigns led by Caliph Omar in the Levant Region, the earliest conquests outside of Arabia, occurred from 634-638 CE. Prior to that, Prophet Mohammed and Caliph Abu Bakr only controlled or conquered areas within Arabia.

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13y ago

Some claim that the Islamic empire bagan 600 BC. That is absolutely wrong since Quran revelation by God to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the angel Gabriel started in year 610 AD through year 632 AD. That meams the Islamic empire started after year 632 AD for sure.

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The Islamic Empire began to expand beyond the Arabian Peninsula shortly after the death of the prophet and founder of Islam, Muhammad (PBUH); 632 AD.

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The first Muslim Empire was established in Madina under the Caliphate of the Second Rightful Caliph Hazrat Umar (RAU), in 635 AD.

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13y ago

it starts in 632AD and ends in 1171AD

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By forming Islamic armies, conquering non-Islamic countries, and making them into Islamic countries. Simple.

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