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The rivers dried up and people had to move.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

The Indus civilization went into a decline after 1900 BC, but instead of ending it deteriorated into the Iron Age culture of Pakistan and North India.

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Q: When did the Indus river valley civilization end?
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When did the indus river valley civilization begin and end?

3300 bc - 1300 bc

When did the Indus Valley civilization end?

when it stopped flourishing

How did indus valley come to a end?

the above is answer is not at all correct. its true that aryans came in 1500bc and they were very destructive in nature not like indus valley civilization who were always had constructive minds. the indus valley civilization existed from 2500bc to 1750 bc. that means before aryans came the indus valley civilization was already finished 250 years ago. there are some historians that say that the indus river was flooded and due to that the indus valley civilization came to an end but in reality it was not possible that a flood destroys the whole civilization which was extended from uttar pradesh in the west to jammu and kashmir in north and to maharashtra in west. the actual reason which is more relaible answer than any other is that the indus valley civilization got extinct due to ecological factors. environmental and climatic factors like drying up of rivers,deforestation,soil sanity etc led to the decline of the greatest civilization.

Why did the Indus valley end up?

The Indus Valley Civilization declined around 1900 BCE due to a combination of factors such as environmental changes, natural disasters, and possibly invasions or conflicts. The drying up of the Saraswati River and changes in trade routes may have also contributed to the civilization's downfall.

When did the Huang he river valley civilization end?

Godzila came to Huang He and destroyed the whole civilization!

What is one conclusion you can draw about the indus valley civilization?

The Indus Valley Civilization had good wells.They had good sewer systems and waste water flowed out to the drains located under the streets and than was carried to the sewer pits beyond the city walls.The Indus Valley Civilization end probably because of predictable floods that destroyed the civilization.The Indus Valley Civilization unique because the cities were planned out before they actually built.The education in the Indus Valley was oral, and the writing was done on bark and sometimes leaves.The wife would usually teach within the house, they would also be the ones to teach about religious morals and practices.

What event happened around the same time as the end of the early Indus Valley civilization?

the event which happened was the industrial revolution.

How did the first civilization grow spread and into which areas?

It is a difficult question...looking at the records we can find three civilizations which existed about 7000-5000 BCE they were:Egyption or Nile valleyIndian or Indus valleySumerianIn all these three, Indus valley was most advanced ... trade existed between Indus and Sumerian. The Indus valley civilization mainly expanded around the Indus river. However if you look at Indian texts we will find that due to a gigantic explosion or fire(at the end of Mahabharata) all the civilizations died and river Saraswati also dried up.It is a difficut question...looking at the records we can find three civilizations which existed adout 7000-5000 BCE.

Where does the Indus River start and end?

The Indus River starts in the Himalayan Mountains and ends in the Arabian Sea.

When was the end of the civilization in the indus valley?

The fate of the cities remained a mystery until the 1970s. Then, satellite images of the subcontinent of India revealed evidence of shifts in tectonic plates.

How did the Indus valley civilization end?

there are many theories on this like aryan invasion,drought,famine e.t.c but there are no proofs for these,they are just rumors.but according to UN's statement a powerful flood attacked indus valley civilisation bringing end to the world's first and most advanced civilisation.and i too have similar ideas as this is a place of powerful rivers like indus,ravi,saraswati,chenab,satluj,yamuna and according to some theories even ganges was flowing here.

Where does the indus begin and end?

The Indus River begins at the Tibetan Plateau near Lake Mansarovar and ends at the Arabian Sea. The Indus River is 1,980 miles long.