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Q: When did the Byzantine empire reach the height of its power?
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What geographical location was the byzantine empire considered to be in?

The Byzantine Empire is another name for the Eastern Roman Empire. Its capital and governmental institutions were all centered around the city of Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) and it maintained a grip on the lands around it until the city fell to the Ottomans in 1453. Thus, it can be considered that the Byzantines were generally in the Balkans, specifically the Balkan Peninsula, as the empire did not reach into Anatolia in its dying days.The contemporary people, however, didn't see it as such and often referred to the Byzantines as "Romans" and the empire as the "Roman Empire". In their time, the Byzantine Empire was considered a part of Western Europe, despite the Western Roman Empire having fallen long ago.Indeed, the term "Byzantine Empire" and the distinctions between the Eastern and Western Roman Empires were only derived after the fall of Constantinople.

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What kind of trade enriched Byzantine and helped it expand?

The Byzantine empire did not expand. The eastern part of the Roman Empire had already reached its greatest extent before the Byzantine period. The Byzantine empire actually lost many of its territories to the Slavs, Arabs and Turks. Byzantine Empire is a term which has been coined by historians to indicate the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part of this empire. The eastern part of the Roman Empire continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years after the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. The people in question did not use this term. They called their empire Roman Empire or Romania (this referred to this empire and not the country which was later called Romania). There was trade with the Persia, China and northern India via the Silk Road (a network of roads which crossed Asia and has been named after the most precious commodity which was traded along the routes, Chinese silk). There was also seaborne trade with southern India which used the monsoons of the Indian Ocean and crossed the Red Sea to reach Egypt. Axum (Ethiopia) also thrived on the trade along the Red Sea, which included trade with the Byzantine Empire.

What century did the ottomans reach their height power?

During the reign of Suleyman the Magnificant 1520-1566

A penny dropped from the top of the Empire State Building takes 9.2 seconds to reach the street What is the height of the building?

The height of the building at the 102nd floor is 381 metres. The penny is irrelevant.

a penny dropped from the top of the empire state building takes 9.2 seconds to reach the street what is the height of the building?

The height of the building at the 102nd floor is 381 metres. The penny is irrelevant.