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Q: When did the British first start to recognize some rights for first nation people?
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What was the first document to officially recognize the us as an independent nation?

It was either the "Bill of Rights" or the Deceleration of Independence.

How did the british help the colonies stay together as one nation?

they all had the same rights

How is gay rights beneficial to the nation?

It is beneficial in that no nation can be free if all of its people aren't free.

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states that people entitled to rights not mentioned in the constitution

Do citizens of a dictatorship have rights?

NO. In a theoretical sense, all people have rights as part of the nature of their being human. However, in dictatorships, the state does not recognize these rights, so the citizens do not actually have them.

Who are Pontiac and Minweweh?

Pontiac was a leader in the Odawa Nation. After the British took over North America in 1763 it was Pontiac that organized an alliance with the British to oppose the British take over. The opposition organized, and led to the arrangement of an agreement between the First Nation and the British, in 1765, Pontiac signed an agreement with the British which explained that their defeat over France did not give them rights to their lands.

What were the rights the American revolutionaries cared about?

They felt british took their rights ( good look APEX)

What is the purpose of the collective rights?

Collective rights recognize the founding people of Canada. Canada would have not existed without the contribution of these people It reflects the idea of mutual respect among people. the main purpose of collective rights is to affirm the collective identity of groups in society and to create a society where people with different identities belong.

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What was the treaty of Paris about?

1) britain would recognize the u.s. as an independent nation 2)the mississippi would be the western boundary of that nation 3)americans would have fishing rights off the caost of canada 4_americans would pay debts owed to british merchants and honor loyalist claims for property confiscated during the war.

Why doesn't Colorado want to give special rights to gay people?

Colorado doesn't want to give special rights to gay people because NO ONE does. "Special rights" is an inaccurate and misleading term that homophobes use to refer to equal rights. The rights gay people want are the same rights heterosexual people take for granted -- the right to marry the person we love, for example.Further, states don't "give" rights to citizens. Americans believe that we all have "certain inalienable rights." The problem is insisting that states recognize those rights.The reasons some Coloradans don't want to recognize the equal rights of LGBT people are:they don't know any LGBT people and have been given false information about ussome people are afraid of changesthey are unable to think beyond their religious upbringing