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The Egyptians were punished with ten plagues when the Israelites were held as slaves by the Egyptians, right before the Exodus, somewhere around 1446 BCE. The exact date of the Exodus is a subject of many scholarly debates -- see the link below for a detailed article on the subject.

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Q: When did the 10 plagues of Egypt take place?
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What is the river of blood mean?

its the first and one of the 10 plagues that appear on Egypt

In the ten plagues of Egypt were any of the animals poisonous?

No there were no poisonous animals in the 10 plaques.

What happened to the egyptians after the 10 plagues?

After the 10 plagues, the Egyptians allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt. As the Israelites left, Pharaoh changed his mind and pursued them, leading to the parting of the Red Sea and the drowning of Pharaoh's army. This event marked the end of the Israelites' enslavement in Egypt.

How many plagues did God create through Moses?

There were a total of 10 plaques in Egypt , sent by God.

The ten plages?

The Ten Plagues or "The 10 Wonders of God" were 10 events taking place in Egypt in the book of Exodus from the Bible. According to the Bible the 10 plagues were caused by God as punishment to Egypt for not letting the enslaved Jews be set free. According to the book of Exodus Moses (A shepherd sent by God) asked the pharoah of Egypt to let God's people go. The pharoah refused. So God sent these 10 plagues upon the Egyptians and their land: the plague of Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Boils, Hail and fire, Locusts, total darkness, and the final plague: every firstborn son in Egypt was killed by the Angel of Death. After the last of these the Pharoah finally let the Jews who had been slaves under Egypt free.

How did the egyptians handle the 10 plagues of Egypt?

That is not stated. What is stated, is how Pharaoh and his advisers reacted to the plagues. In the majority of the plagues, Pharaoh hardened his own heart; and in the first two, even his advisers did the same. Only later did their attitude soften. See Exodus chapters 7-12.

How many Years or Months did it take Moses to convince pharaoh to let the people leave Egypt?

According to tradition, the Ten Plagues lasted a total of one solar year (Mishna, Eduyot 2:10)).

What are the 10 jewish plagues?

The Plagues of Egypt were sent by God to Egypt to try and convince Pharaoh to set the Jews free from slavery.They were:The plagues as they appear in the Bible are:Water, which turned to blood and killed all fish and other aquatic lifeFrogsLiceFlies or wild animalsDisease on livestockUnhealable boilsHail and thunderLocustsDarknessDeath of the first-born of all Egyptian humans and animals.To be saved, the Israelites had to place the blood of a lamb on their door.This story can be found in the bible, in the book of Exodus or for an alternative it is fairly accurately represented in the Dreamworks film 'The Prince of Egypt'Hope this helps!

Why do Jews take 10 dops and wine and tap them on a napkin at passover?

This is to remember each of the ten plagues, taking good away from the cup to remember that the plagues were bad things

Why did God punish Egypt with 10 terrible plagues?

It was to punish Pharaoh and to make his heart soft so he would release the slaves.

How many plagues of Egypt were there in the Bible?

God sent 10 plagues to the people of Egypt.

What book is the 10 plagues in?
