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Q: When did shakespeare go to London?
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Continue Learning about General History

Where did Shakespeare's success begin?

In London. It began and ended there.

What was the clothing like in London in Shakespeare's time?

clothing in Shakespeare time poofy pants, tights, leather shoe-socks

Why do you want to go London?

I'm already in London

Where did gandhi go in 1909?

to london

Who went with queen elizabeth1 to shakespeare plays?

Queen Elizabeth did not go to Shakespeare plays. Shakespeare's plays, and, much more often, the plays and entertainments of others went to her. And whoever was at court when that happened saw the entertainment with her.

Related questions

Where did Shakespeare go when he moved out of London?

When Shakespeare retired he left London and returned to his home in Stratford.

Did Shakespeare go to London with his wife?


When Shakespeare left London where did he go?


Did William Shakespeare go to London or have his children first?

Shakespeare's children were born in 1583 and 1585. There is no record of Shakespeare in London until 1592. Scholars speculate that he went to London between 1590 and 1591.

In what year did shakespeare go to London?

Phillip DaWhore

What city did Shakespeare go to?

He went to the city of London and avoided prosecution.

What did shakespeare do in London to keep his work alive?

Shakespeare did his work in London to keep William Shakespeare alive.

When did Shakespeare go to London to get into theater life?

Sometime between 1585 and 1592.

Why didn't Shakespeare's go with him to London?

He had no accomodation in London for a wife and children. However, his brother Edmund did follow in his footsteps and became an actor and moved to London.

What closed the theathre in 1592 that involved William shakespeare?

There was a plague outbreak in London, one of several during Shakespeare's career which closed the London theatres and caused the playing companies to go on tour.

Where did Shakespeare go to work as an actor and playwright?

During the late 1580's and early 1590's Shakespeare traveled back and forth from London.

Where was Shakespeare's globe?
