

When did ration books exist?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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12y ago

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In Britain ration books where brought out in January 8th, 1940 and were taken out of use in 1954.

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15y ago
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16y ago

Ration books were handed out during the World War 2, to help ration food, fuels & other important products.

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14y ago

in ancient Egyptian times when Cleopatra was queen

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13y ago

im not sure, but i think throughout the whole of ww2

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12y ago
i know in Britain but other parts of the world i don't know i think the us did
hope this helps
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What part of speech is ration books?

Ration books is a plural noun. The singular is ration book.

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Did the soldiers in world war 2 get ration books too?

No, soldiers on active duty did not require ration books, the service provided for their needs.

What do ration books look like?

Ration books looked like little notebooks but inside them they're like little letter stamps

Were World War 2 ration books distributed to children?

Ration books were issued by the US government to allow everyone to have the same chance to get goods as everyone else. There is no exact number on how many ration books were issued but over 8000 ration offices were opened to control the rationing.

Coupons used during the war to purchase items?

called ration books or ration coupons.

What about ration books 1 and 4?

Yes, what about them!

Where there ration books during World War I?

The European countries involved in World War 1 introduced food rationing. Obviously, this involved issuing ration-books.

Were there ration books in Australia in World War 2?

Yes there were.

What were the colors of the ration books?

yellow, red, green, blue.

Where can you find information on ration books?

You can find information on ration books in historical archives, libraries, museums with collections related to wartime history, and online resources such as digital archives and historical websites. Additionally, books and documentaries on wartime rationing often provide valuable information on ration books.