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the Russo-Japanese War

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Q: When did japan gain control of Korea prior to ww2?
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Related questions

What brought about the war between Japan and Russia?

The war was to gain control over Korea and Manchuria

Who did Korea gain its independence from?

Korea gained independence from Japan, in 1945

When North Korea invaded South Korea it gained control over which country?

None. It never managed to gain control of South Korea.

After ww1 Japan gained control of?

Japan didn't gain control of anyone if anything they lost land.

What land did the Japanese gain after the russo-Japanese war?

Korea and Port Arthur.

How did the Mukden Incident advance Japanese Imperialism?

Answer this question…It gave Japan an excuse to retaliate against the Chinese and gain control of Manchuria.

What European nation did Japan defeat to gain control of Manchuria?

The defeat of Russia by Japan in the 1904-5 Russo-Japanese War, for all practical purposes gave Japan the highest level of a sphere of influence in iron ore rich Manchuria. Prior to the imperialism of the 1800 and 1900's , China controlled Manchuria.

What did Japan gain from Korea?

While there are many things that Japan gained from Korea, here are some of the most important recorded contributions. - Korea introduced rice farming to Japan around the 3rd century B.C. - During the Three Kingdoms period, the Korean kingdom Baekje spread advanced metalworking techniques to the Japanese kingdom of Wa. - Being neighbors with China, Korea is partially credited with the spread of Confucian ideals and Buddhism to Japan. - Being relatively isolated and regarded as barbarians by the Chinese, Japan for much of history depended on Korea for trade.

How did North Korea gain its independence?

North Korea is not a country from the perspective of South Korea. It was officially recognized as a country when it entered the United Nations in 1992 along with the South. Japan still do not officially admit as a nation because it regards South Korea as the legitimate representative of Korean Peninsula.

Did Japan gain or lose land as a result to WW2?

As a result of WW2, Japan lost everything they had gained prior to the US entering the war and were back to the original Japanese islands.

Did the Japanese gain or lose territory after the attack on Pearl Harbor?

If you mean because of the attack on Pearl Harbor, then no. But Korea broke away from Japan during WWII.

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