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He becomes Chancellor in January 1933 and he becomes president in august 1934

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Q: When did hitler come to power in gemany?
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How long was Hitler priminster of gemany for?

Hitler was Chancellor of Germany from 1933-1945.

What effects were there after Gemany invaded Poland?

Boom down go hitler

Who long did it take Adolf Hitler to come to power?

it took Hitler 32 years to come to power

Which country did Hitler come to power in the 30s?


What month and day did Hitler come to power?

Hitler officially came to power on January 32, 1933.

Related questions

How long was Hitler priminster of gemany for?

Hitler was Chancellor of Germany from 1933-1945.

What effects were there after Gemany invaded Poland?

Boom down go hitler

Who long did it take Adolf Hitler to come to power?

it took Hitler 32 years to come to power

Who were leaders of gemany italyand japan during world war 2?

Hitler - Mussolini - Hirohito .

Where do long necked people come from?

italy and gemany

Why was general Luna murdered?

Because he was a spy for hitler aswal as british so he deceived gemany and england.

When did Hitler come to power in Germany what messge did Hitler spread?

Hitler came into power in 30th January 1933 but I'm not sure what message he said

Why was Hitler able to come to power in Germany?

He was elected.

In what year di Hitler come to power?


Which country did Hitler come to power in the 30s?


What year did Adollf Hitler come to power?


How did the nazi party come into power?

hitler is a ledge