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Q: When did feudalism began to spread to Britain soon after?
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It was first in Great Britain, but it spread to Germany. The other countries caught on soon after.

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Hawaii. It began primarily on Honolulu and soon spread around all parts.

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The industrial revolution began in England and soon spread to Western Europe and the United States.

What led to the creation of feudalism?

Their society soon became organized. Feudalism also benefited politically and economically

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As soon as the Red Army entered Berlin and declared war on Japan in 1945.

What countries did the church of England spread to?

Britain was the first country to restart the missionary work for the Christian faith. There was a long silence following the dark ages, because people became more about self sufficiency. The person in charge of starting this revival is William Carey. Through his efforts he began to send missionaries to South East Asia (ie. India and the surrounding countries). As this began to spread soon Britain had missionaries in America, South America, Africa, and Asia. In conclusion Britain has sent missionaries all over the world. For more information: From Jerusalem to Irian Jyra by Ruth A. Tucker

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Hitler soon spread his destructive power to Poland.

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Hitler soon spread his destructive power to Poland.

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The adverb in the sentence is "soon", which describes when the flowers began to bloom.

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What place did lutheranism start?

Lutheranism began in Germany, but quickly spread because of its simple theology, its biblical translation into German and other languages soon after (thanks to the printing press), and because of oppressive forces in the Catholic Church.