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december 16,1773

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Q: When did east India company decided to unload all of its stored tea on the colonist?
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What are the disadvantages and advantages of the Middle Colonies?

It provided the best place to unload supplies for delivery via wagon or rail. In contrast, labor supply in the area was poor.

Where did Thomas Jefferson buy the Louisiana Territory?

He had his Ambassador to France contact Napoleon I who was more than happy to unload this territory for 15 million dollars.

How did the colonists force the british government to repeal he various taxation act between 1764 and 1767?

They boycotted goods and services offered by the British and home-made things.

Why did the Parliament keep the tax on the tea act?

The British East Indian Company was in big trouble financially. All they had left worth anything was a lot of tea they wanted to unload in America. Americans could not buy tea except from Britain and British companies. So they forced the tea on American colonies. Tax was very miniscule but Britain wanted to show that the Colonies were still subject to the rule of Parliment. So the tax was placed on tea. Tea was cheap and tax neglible. However the principle of the tax made radical Colonists angry.

Why did Thomas Jefferson attempt to purchase New Orleans in 1802 and 1803?

By purchasing New Orleans, Americans would have a guarantee of their right to sail down the Mississippi and unload their goods in New Orleans, where they could then be shipped to the Caribbean. Also, many American settlers and traders were already present in the region. Eventually Napoleon offered to sell the whole Louisiana territory to fund his wars in Europe, and Jefferson jumped on the offer.

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How do you use unload in a sentence?

The men decided to unload the van after they'd had anal intercourse in the alley

Is unload a vowel or consonant?

The word unload contains vowels and consonants, but is not either one. Unload is a verb, which is a part of speech.You can unload the boxes.Help unload the truck.

How not to unload a truck?

what you do is walk away and let someone else unload the truck. That is how you don't unload a truck.

What are some example sentences using the word unload?

I want to unload my antiques.Please unload that gun.

How do you put unload in a sentence?

Say, little elf, I'd really like for you to help me to unload this sleigh. These three strong men will unload the station wagon for you.

Is there a tool to safely unload a Winchester model 94?

If you can't unload it by cycling the action, TAKE IT TO A GUNSMITH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is the word unload a vowel or consonant?

The word unload is a verb. Words are not consonants or vowels, words have consonants and vowels. unload has 3 vowels (u,o,a) and 3 consonants (n,l,d)

What is the syllables of unload?


Where do ships unload their anchors?

At the dock.

What does unload rhyme with?

off road

What is another name for wharves?

Plural of wharf. Wharf = A landing place or pier where ships may tie up and load or unload.

Would you live in West Virginia?

The cheapest way to move that far would be to have a local company load a rental truck for you, Than you drive the truck to your destination and arrange for a local company around there to unload it for you. You would probably save over $1000.