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essentially with the invasion of Poland.

For example: When Hans Frank took Krakau as his headquarters he asked all Jews in non-essential jobs to leave the city, when only a few thousand left he ordered the deportation of 32 000 Jews from the city.

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Q: When did deportation start?
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What is a sentence using deportation?

Illegal entrants are subject to deportation.

Deportation time frame?

The time frame for a deportation varies on a case by case basis. Deportation on arrival can be done within a few days, while deportation for those already living in the country may take months or years.

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How can you use deportation in a sentence?

Some people fear deportation, while others do not.

How do you use the word Deportation in a sentence?

His mother's deportation left him virtually orphaned.

Does deportation sever parental rights?

It may be grounds for such but deportation in and of itself does not dissolve parental rights.

What are the release dates for Deportation - 2001?

Deportation - 2001 was released on: USA: 7 September 2001

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Obama halted deportation of Dreamers on: Friday June 15, 2012

What police agency came to start the deportation of the Jews?

Germany's infamous Gestapo .Different agencies started it in different countries - usually it was the normal police.

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What is grand derangement?

It means the big deportation. If you google it you will find a history of a deportation of acadian settlers from Nova Scotia

Is deported and deportation the same?

Both words come from the same root, but they are different parts of speech. deported (past participle of verb) example: "he was deported" deportation (noun) example: "he must report for deportation"