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In Athens in 508 BCE when Cleisthenes brought in votiong in assembly by all people who owned property.

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Q: When did democracy first start in ancient Greece?
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Where exactly did Democracy start?

In ancient greece

Why is the capital of Greece the capital?

B/C the people of Athens were the first to start democracy making it the most civil place. It was the center of ancient Greece.

When did direct democracy start?

Athens greese

Where did the first Olympic game start at?

the Olympics games started in 776BC in Ancient Greece

Where did the Olympics games start?

The Olympic Games began in Ancient Greece.OlympiaAncient Greece.Olympics first time started in Greece in 776 BC.Olympia, Greece that was in 776 BC they lasted till 393 AD the first modern ones were held in Athens, Greece in 1870In Greece.Olympics started in Greece.Athens in Greece

Words that start with f in ancient Greece?

finis is associated to ancient Greece because its an ancient greek word!

In what country did rap poetry start?

Ancient Greece. The form was first known as the Greek chorus.

What era did gymnastics start?

Gymnastics originally started in Ancient Greece as a training aid for soldiers and was first seen at the Ancient Olympics in 776 BC.

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The United States of America has been a representational democracy since its birth in 1776. A representational democracy is defined as a democracy in which the people elect representatives to make decisions as opposed to a direct democracy(as seen in Ancient Greece), in which the population is small enough that everyone who is qualified to vote can vote on every topic that arises.

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in ancient greece times.....

What year did the ancient Greece government start?

in 1725