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The Navy during colonial times was called the Continental Navy. The Continental Congress funded a single fleet of the Continental Navy in 1775.

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Q: When did congress financed the start of the Colonial Navy?
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When did congress finance the start of the colonial navy?

October 13 1775

How did the navy start?

Congress ordered two small ships to be armed to intercept British supply ships during the revolution

When was the American navy established by congress?

The Navy considers October 13, 1775, as the date of its creation by the Continental Congress.

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No - the Continental Congress established the Navy during the Revolutionary War, then later after the U.S. Constitution was ratified, the U.S. Congress continued to build the Navy. Under the Constitution, on Congress has the authority to provide for and maintain the Navy.

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The US Congress authorized the creation of the US Navy.

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In the United States, the Army and the Navy is maintained by appropriations from Congress. The Defense Department submits a budget and the Congress approves or disapproves.

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What year was the navy established?

It was established on 13, 0ctober 1775 as the Continental Navy, by the Continental Congress.