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Clothes (and all textiles) in Britain were rationed from 1941 till 1949.

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Q: When did clothes rationing end in Britain?
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Which food was not rationed during World War 2 but was rationed after it?

Rationing continued on many items until 1954.•1948- The end of rationing begins. It is another 5 years before rationing of all products is stopped.•25 July 1948 - end of flour rationing•15 March 1949 - end of clothes rationing•19 May 1950 - rationing ended for canned and dried fruit, chocolate biscuits, treacle, syrup, jellies and mincemeat.•September 1950 - rationing ended for soap•3 October 1952 - Tea rationing ended•February 1953 - Sweet and sugar rationing ends•4 July 1954 - Food rationing ends

What did d mean in rationing World War 2?

Rationing was the restriction by law of food, sweets, clothes, petrol etc so that everyone could get something to eat etc, and so that rich people did not buy up everything. Rationing carried on for seval years after the end of WWII, I remember the end of sweet rationing.

Why did rationing happen in WW2?

In Britain, rationing actually got tougher after WWII.

In goodnight mister Tom by Michelle Magorian why were the food and clothes rationed?

During World War II, when the story of "Goodnight Mister Tom" is set, food and clothes were rationed in Britain due to the scarcity of resources. Rationing was a way to ensure that everyone had access to basic necessities, as resources were prioritized for the war effort. Rationing helped to distribute goods fairly among the population and prevent hoarding or price gouging.

Why did rationing end?

In any sane society rationing is only used during a emergency.

Related questions

What exact date did clothes rationing end?

wooo i answerd it first.

How did rationing change at the end of the war?

the reason is that Britain went through a massive devastation and needed time to recover that is why rationing was still going on after the war.

Where did rationing happen?

Rationing happpend in Britain

When did rationing start in Britain during World War 2?

8 January 1940 Britain started to ration butter, sugar, eggs and bacon. Meat rationing started on 11 March that year and clothing was added to the list of things that were rationed later.

Which food was not rationed during World War 2 but was rationed after it?

Rationing continued on many items until 1954.•1948- The end of rationing begins. It is another 5 years before rationing of all products is stopped.•25 July 1948 - end of flour rationing•15 March 1949 - end of clothes rationing•19 May 1950 - rationing ended for canned and dried fruit, chocolate biscuits, treacle, syrup, jellies and mincemeat.•September 1950 - rationing ended for soap•3 October 1952 - Tea rationing ended•February 1953 - Sweet and sugar rationing ends•4 July 1954 - Food rationing ends

What did d mean in rationing World War 2?

Rationing was the restriction by law of food, sweets, clothes, petrol etc so that everyone could get something to eat etc, and so that rich people did not buy up everything. Rationing carried on for seval years after the end of WWII, I remember the end of sweet rationing.

When did cloth rationing start?

Clothes Rationing started 2 years after food rationing! And it ended on 15 March 1949.

What actors and actresses appeared in Rationing in Britain - 1945?

The cast of Rationing in Britain - 1945 includes: Mary Welsh Monks as Commentator

Why did rationing happen in WW2?

In Britain, rationing actually got tougher after WWII.

How long did rationing last?

In Britain rationing lasted 14 years. From 1940 to 1954. In Western Germany rationing lasted 15 years.

When was rationing introduced in ww2?

1939 everyone in Britain was issued with a rationing book (in World War 2 )

What date did clothes rationing start in the UK?

it started in 1940