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he never was. he made someone go up for election that then turned around and said that he was going to drive al out of town capone then promply pushed him down the steps of the town hall

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Q: When did al Capone become mayor of Chicago?
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What is al Capone's occupation?

al Capone is a/an Gangster, bootlegger, racketeer, boss of Chicago Outfit

What is al Capone's occupation?

al Capone is a/an Gangster, bootlegger, racketeer, boss of Chicago Outfit

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Chicago, Illinois

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Question: What allowed Al Capone to become AL CAPONE Connected with that, what is La Cosa Nostra and what did it have to do with Prohibition? Answer: In 1920 during the height of Prohibition, Capone's multi-million dollar Chicago operation in bootlegging, prostitution and gambling dominated the organized crime scene. Capone was responsible for many brutal acts of violence, mainly against other gangsters. The most famous of these was the St.

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Capone gang by many but it formed into the "Chicago outfit" I am told